Example sentences of "but [vb past] it was " in BNC.

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1 Angela asked us for some help with her wedding day look , she had been growing her old hairstyle out but realised it was n't going to be long enough for her wedding day in September .
2 At first Athelstan thought it was addressed to a woman but realised it was written to a young man .
3 He did not know how much had been paid but believed it was less than £50m .
4 Marx condemned capitalism because it frustrated human potential and self-actualization , but believed it was a necessary stage in human dialectical development .
5 Eventually , in a letter to Mrs Kemp 's lawyer , Mr McCallum offered 24 December 1990 as the only free date for a hearing , but added it was not the most suitable date .
6 Mr Paleokrassas said he could not say how much money would be granted to the industry , but added it was likely to be ‘ quite substantial ’ .
7 The judge was impressed but reckoned it was in the wrong section .
8 They were moved to different accommodation but claimed it was little better .
9 The Board 's General Manager Tom Frawley said today that the decision to close the Shantallow home had been a difficult one , but claimed it was the only possible course of action ‘ in light of the increase over the last few years in the level of nursing home accommodation and the reduced demand for residential accommodation which has come about as a result of improvements in housing in general and the development of sheltered accommodation and other community alternatives . ’
10 McGregor , who had been approached by a worried neighbour , admitted making use of the computer but claimed it was on legitimate police business .
11 He could n't tell , but guessed it was one of the team .
12 A second registrar examined Christopher , but decided it was possible Celia and Danny were telling the truth .
13 Labour supporters in Bristol had considered canvassing known overseas voters but decided it was not worth the expense .
14 ‘ Some chap or other told me once , ’ Artemis 's father suddenly said , ‘ that somebody or other discovered America before Columbus or whoever it was who did , but decided it was best to keep it under his hat . ’
15 ‘ Look , I 'm not — ’ Owen began but decided it was a waste of time .
16 Personally I liked it , but felt it was not worth all the publicity I had helped create for it .
17 He loved teaching and talks enthusiastically about it , but felt it was time to enjoy doing his own work .
18 Susan hoped she was too , but feared it was n't so .
19 He could not make out its face but saw it was looking through the book he had just found with the complicated title .
20 Mungo thought of separating them , but knew it was too late to save the victim .
21 He thought of taking the man 's rifle but knew it was too heavy for him and that he would be incapable of aiming it .
22 ‘ Do n't be stupid now , Auntie Lou , ’ Carrie prayed , but knew it was hopeless .
23 I felt like punching him but knew it was stupid to start a fight .
24 He tried to harden his heart in advance , but knew it was just a front .
25 She felt like running away , but knew it was impossible .
26 For an instant she thought of running , but knew it was n't even an option as his grip tightened and he drew her , struggling towards him .
27 He admitted the party and individual MPs received a total of nearly £38,000 , but insisted it was all legal and there had never been any attempt to favour the pachinko industry in parliament .
28 Dalglish switched the focus to Europe for his latest captures , Swedish defender Patrik Andersson and Norwegian Henning Berg , but insisted it was n't because Walker 's vast wealth means Rovers are being held to ransom in this country .
29 Shilton was called into a ‘ clear the air ’ meeting with the Home Park board yesterday , but insisted it was just routine .
30 We loved the cake and icing , but thought it was bad value for money .
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