Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 But I hope and pray they will be the first of many . ’
2 Miss T. being an adult , it is doubtful whether we have power to make a restraining order of the kind which is often made in the case of children whose medical treatment is in issue before the courts , but I hope and believe that it is in any event unnecessary .
3 And I ha I was n't very familiar with Nottingham , then , but I went and erm we crossed this park , and it was at a big house , there , tailors were always in rather out of the way places , and er he 'd just got fixed up .
4 The journey to Calcutta took some hours , and when we arrived the Army met us and wanted to put us all in to some barracks , but I protested and rang up the Bishop , Foss Westcott , and asked if he could advise me what to do as Margaret by this time was very ill .
5 Mala sniffed , but I grinned and opened the airlock .
6 I 'm scared that sometimes I go over the top with too many solos in the one song , but I try and keep them as simple as I can .
7 So , you know , I , I do n't want to be too jolly , because er , er that , that , that 's er , as bad as being morbid , is n't it and miserable , but I try and strike er , a happy balance .
8 People say all sorts of things about me , they say I 'm eccentric and off-centre but I try and ignore all that . ’
9 I could not forget the footprint , but I saw and heard nothing more , and slowly I began to feel happier .
10 but I looked and it was actually
11 But he But I know and he got a petition up and
12 but I like and make sure it 's alright .
13 But I persevered and believe it was a worthwhile education .
14 And er , but I felt and I feel looking back on that particular er decade between nineteen sixty and nineteen seventy , that the work which the shop steward 's movement did er even in a preliminary way , prior to the Donovan Report coming out , was based on reason and fair play .
15 I was badly hurt , but I escaped and ran into the open country .
16 But I drop and stand square in it , against it ,
17 But I accept and understand that there are some feelings today that the old system dated back from those Victorian days as it did , is in need of reform and should be brought up-to-date .
18 I have n't got to smoke pot , but I do and I think that 's more security than anything , knowing that you 've got a bit of pot which you can put down and you can say : ‘ Oh , I do n't want none of that today , I 'm not in the mood for it . ’
19 I hope that I might have undertaken work of this kind without the experience of working for North Tyneside Community Development Project ( CDP ) from 1974 to 1977 , but I did and that experience shaped both the conceptualizing and the carrying out of this project .
20 No blinking Sam goes to me , cos we were , we were , we turned Arachnophobia off because people needed the toilet and erm there was Songs of Praise or , you know , something like that and they were talking about all this terrorism , somebody said oh I 'm glad you did n't go to London said but I did and she goes oh no you did n't did you ? worried about me going to London
21 She stretches out a hand and strokes my backside , but I stand and move away from the bed , dropping a wad of screwed-up tissue on the worn carpet .
22 But I smiled and said , ‘ I ’ m happy to see you , my lord . ’
23 Uncle was always wanting to have that tail cut shorter and we had quite a few battles about it , but I won and Prince kept his long tail .
24 I have always understood , and believed , that you just can not " dance at two weddings ' , but I admired and respected Cochrane as the most efficient serving officer I had encountered in my short 33 years in uniform .
25 ‘ I should have paid it , but I forgot and heard nothing for ages .
26 and I was meant to be taking it in today , but I forgot and so I just
27 So he went at me , but I ducked and he hit the shelf — he broke his thumb in two places !
28 But I dillied and dallied , dallied and dillied ,
29 But I turned and ran out of the room .
30 The others had potential , but I bathed and groomed her as if for Crufts and made my way to the hospital .
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