Example sentences of "but [adv] she know " in BNC.

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1 But instinctively she knew she had what she wanted — the frames that would lend just the breadth and depth she needed to complete her picture story of the couture shows , and she let her camera fall back on its strap around her neck , rubbing her aching eyes and running her fingers up under the thick fringe of dark blonde hair that barely skimmed them .
2 But only she knows , Paul does n't .
3 But already she knew what it was like to be going home .
4 Maybe she could n't offer guarantees , but somehow she knew that if anyone could save this baby , Niall was that person .
5 Miguelito had n't told her to keep her experiences to herself , but somehow she knew she must .
6 Lisa was back in control again , the spell was broken , but still she knew that she was beaten .
7 Judi had always tended to know what she was thinking , but now she knew her sister really could read her mind .
8 She was used to having one eye , but now she knew she was n't seeing what she should .
9 She had n't known what it meant then , but now she knew it had been inscribed there just for her .
10 But now she knew the names of the victims , she knew who had found them , she knew that the door had been unlocked , she knew how they had died , although surely he had n't mentioned the slitting of throats .
11 But now she knew she had to think and decide what to do .
12 It was a cringe-making description at the best of times ; but now she knew it was n't even true .
13 For a moment she had thought that this might be DeVore 's final little game with her , but now she knew .
14 But now she knows better . ’
15 ‘ I 'm just coming , ’ called Lydia , thinking how amusing it would be to make a big splash and drowning noises , but even she knew that this would not be the action of a nice woman .
16 She is very photogenic but fortunately she knows that being photogenic is not enough in this business . ’
17 There was something in his voice that made her want to throw herself into his arms ; but then she knew that Aggie would n't like that .
18 But then she knew why , did n't she ?
19 He must send a lot of flowers — but then she knew that already .
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