Example sentences of "but [adv] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Apple Computer Inc is opening its Company Store , previously accessible only to Apple employees , to the public , but only for buying Apple-logoed merchandise , computer accessories and software — not for buying Macintoshes or peripherals .
2 The middle-horned breed was described as a group of ‘ local varieties ’ of which the most noted were the Devon , Sussex and Hereford , the last two being considered varieties of the Devon , with the Hereford thought to be the least active and hardy under the yoke but better for fattening .
3 But then I started putting humbuckers in all my guitars and now I 'm back to the single coil thing , but just for playing in my hotel room .
4 That is an argument for having a range of effective analgesics , but hardly for continuing to multiply their numbers indefinitely .
5 CIC is already one of the world leaders in pen operating systems , having produced PenDOS , an environment specifically designed for use not only in developing totally new pen based applications , but also for transforming existing mouse driven DOS and Windows applications so that they can become ‘ pen aware ’ .
6 Dendrochronology , also called tree-ring dating , is not only used for calibrating radiocarbon dates , but also for providing accurate dates for old timbers .
7 The Essenes resided not only in remote desert communities , but also in urban centres , where they maintained houses not only for themselves , but also for wandering brethren from elsewhere and for other itinerants .
8 It can be used not merely for recruitment purposes but also for defining training needs , establishing pay scales , safety arrangements , improving work methods and so on .
9 The four basic relations between classes furnish a model not only for establishing a fundamental group of sense relations , but also for defining a set of systematic variants applicable to virtually all other paradigmatic sense relations .
10 In this work we give full weight to the speaker/system distinction that has been introduced above , and hence to the general principle that speakers are ultimately responsible , not only for introducing and adopting linguistic changes , but also for maintaining diversity in language states .
11 However , the exercise highlighted the value of the Procedure Audit approach for not only identifying procedural flaws , but also for encouraging the commitment of staff to making improvements effective .
12 The CV method is particularly useful not only in detecting the presence and ratios of both isometric forms ( due to the 0.4V separation ) but also for monitoring the conversion rate of one radical form into the other .
13 In Compressor/Expander mode , compression on the neck pickup swells out the tone to a given ceiling and sustains it , making it good for McCartney-esque melodic lines , but also for slapping , as the limiter-like properties of the compressor prevent massive explosions of sound .
14 In this situation the kin network operates not only as a means of finding work but also for assisting the process of migration .
15 Canals were used not only for transport of goods but also for ferrying passengers and for the occasional pleasure trip .
16 " This Meeting , with every feeling of humanity for the distressed Sufferers , who have the misfortune to be shipwrecked on the coast of this Island , have to regret that numbers of the Country prople , shaking off all fear of God , or regard to the laws , are in the constant practice against every rule of Christian charity , or hospitality , of resorting in numbers to the shores , where strangers have the Misfortune of being shipwrecked , and that for the sole purpose of plunder ; which practice this Meeting hold in the greatest abhorrence , and now declare their disapprobation of ; and in order , as much as possible , to remedy this evil , this Meeting not only collectively , but individually , pledge themselves to use their utmost exertions , not only for the preservation of the property of the individuals , who may have the Misfortune to be wrecked on these coasts , but also for bringing to condign punishment all and every such persons as may be found plundering from wrecks : "
17 Many blamed the coming of sound not only for its enormous expense and for making producers rely on highly conventionalized and , by their very nature , static plots of theatrical origin , but also for taking all the essential fantasy out of film-going .
18 ( 1 ) If seeing something is like eating it with the eye , so that it gives us sensations in our eyes as eating manna gives us ‘ sensations of sickness , and sometimes of acute pains or gripings ’ in our stomachs , then what physically enters the eye comes to have an importance not only for understanding the physical mechanism of visual perception , but also for understand the concept of visual perception .
19 Neil Miller dealing director told all dealers to make frequent use of them , primarily for getting quotes on listed or USM stock from the market-makers ' room adjacent , in which dealers were now forbidden to foray , but also for fetching new dealing books , notebooks , cups of coffee , etc .
20 However , while they remain in the hands of farmers , and while agricultural workers are completely dependent on their employers not only for their jobs but also for housing and education , there can be little hope of real improvement or of community involvement .
21 The devices are particularly suited for almost eliminating the very high beta-radiation doses normally received by the operator 's hands , but also for reducing the amount of diffuse gamma-radiation which is otherwise disseminated through the laboratory environment .
22 Ironically , it was a severe injury that first brought Carvill 's Hill to Martin Pipe 's stables in Somerset where , working closely with the Bristol vets , he has established an enviable reputation not only for helping horses to recover but also for avoiding the injuries that plague racehorses , especially jumpers .
23 The preservation qualities of the Somerset Levels have demonstrated to us a wide range of prehistoric woodworking skills and the uses to which wood was put , not only for use in trackways ( Fig. 5 ) hurdles , and so on , but also for making artefacts .
24 First , and most critical , every manager must be held accountable not only for the work of subordinates but also for adding value to their work .
25 He was going to carpet her not only for arresting a part-time MI6 agent for murder without sufficient evidence , but also for fraternising with the ‘ funnies ’ between the sheets .
26 We can not in justice omit to mention the establishing of the Publick Botanick Garden at Chelsea by the Worshipful Company of the Apothecaries of London , not only for the instruction of such as should be employed in the compounding of medicines , in the particular simples therein used ( which alone is a very laudable design ) but also for introducing still a greater variety of trees and plants , which although their virtues or uses are not at present known , yet may hereinafter be found of excellent use for many purposes in life .
27 He believes television is partly to blame , not only for the acceptance of violence but also for undermining traditional family values .
28 And such talents , it should be emphasized , are necessary not just for campaigning , but also for governing ; presidents unable to master television are unlikely to be effective in office .
29 Bosch should be congratulated for not only providing a clear LED charge light , but also for giving precise instructions on the disposal of these potentially harmful batteries ( Now recycled by Bosch ) .
30 He is responsible not only for the results , but also for giving orders and for the amount , quality and cost of the contributions .
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