Example sentences of "but [adv] it is " in BNC.

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1 Few people will be able to complete the route in one go , but luckily it is accessible by public transport at a number of staging points , so it can be split into chunks more manageable in a fortnight 's holiday .
2 In plan it is simple and almost symmetrical but three-dimensionally it is complex : a bizarre , richly coloured building .
3 Better margins on such items and a less Luddite approach to VAT have helped , but fundamentally it is the trend to one-stop leisure shopping that has spurred the modern book retailer to stock not just stationery , but T-shirts , videos , CDs , cassettes and games and a host of other merchandise .
4 And when it is hot , it is very hot ; but mostly it is just wet .
5 The phospholipid structure of phosphatidylcholine is not essential for biocompatibility , but rather it is the phosphorylcholine headgroup that is important .
6 Beforehand our system is not in general in an eigenstate of the observable we are intending to measure but rather it is a superposition of such states .
7 But economically it is restorationist .
8 At first , teachers will have to go through these stages quite carefully with the children , but eventually it is hoped that the children will become independent enough to use the system , or one like it , by themselves .
9 But perhaps it is the paradox conveyed by that closing glimpse of a parodic but unprecedented Eliot which carries the sharpest conviction of any feature of the book .
10 But perhaps it is not too simple to suggest that we are also conscious of Zuckerman as a deflection of the wrath over Roth which works by making Zuckerman responsible for the outrage .
11 I imagine it to be like the worst kind of monthly cramp and the most fierce of labour pains but perhaps it is even worse .
12 It must always have been the case that some problems are inherently insoluble , but perhaps it is the stress on all social services that turns the CAB into the last port of call when all others have failed .
13 But perhaps it is asking too much to expect some sort of articulated political goal — especially of the young adolescents who are responsible for the bulk of working-class crime .
14 But perhaps it is better to avoid Rouen , the midday traffic going in and coming out is too much of a worry .
15 But perhaps it is best to take a few steps back and begin with the preliminary question : why an exhibition of the nude ?
16 Shortage of time is a common complaint in every walk of life , but perhaps it is only a perception .
17 I did not mean to say but perhaps it is better I should , therefore only remark that I will speak on the subject in my next , but do not suffer alarms on my account — I am in better health than I have been for years and I hope to get to Sydney and get comfortably settled in good time … ’
18 I have not discussed that with the others yet but perhaps it is something to put on the agenda for the future .
19 Both these elements are needed in an understanding of soil erosion conservation , but hitherto it is only the first which has usually been considered — and only in the first of the three location-specific senses at that .
20 This has a certain ring to it , but apparently it is not entirely accurate .
21 Megarry J suggested that the test of an officious bystander could be helpful : if the parties , when asked by an officious bystander whether their discussions were confidential , would have responded " but obviously it is " , that would establish the obligation .
22 But obviously it is a difficult decision for anyone to take .
23 One of them is enclosed in the letters written by the same ship , another bill is sent overland to the factor or party to whom the goods are consigned , the third remaineth with the merchant , for his testimony against the master , if there were any occasion for loose dealing ; but especially it is kept for to serve in case of loss , to recover the value of the goods of the assurors that have undertaken to bear the adventure with you .
24 This is a nice idea but naturally it is impossible to completely separate mathematical and non-mathematical routines , and there are overheads such as writing to the screen which can affect the results .
25 The excitement rises with the plane but soon it is just another flight .
26 But already it is certain that the challenges ahead are at least as daunting as anything the Cold War produced .
27 It is still in its infancy , still drifting clumsily about in its primeval soup , but already it is achieving evolutionary change at a rate that leaves the old gene panting far behind .
28 As far as he knows Women in Love has not been adapted for the stage before , but already it is causing much interest from other theatres and companies .
29 Handwritten text can also be printed ( i.e. with each character written separately ) , but normally it is cursive .
30 CFCs are a fraction of the emissions of carbon dioxide but nevertheless it is estimated that , unless the Montreal Protocol is strengthened , CFCs will account for 13 per cent of global warming by 2030 .
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