Example sentences of "but [adv] [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The urban community turns out , upon closer scrutiny , to be a mosaic of minor communities , many of them strikingly different from one another , but all more or less typical .
2 You know , this supreme race but all more or less equal .
3 His eyes were as golden as a hawk 's , but so still and intent they awed her faintly .
4 This department was responsible for the eventual establishment of school clinics throughout the country , but only slowly and after considerable controversy .
5 She can hold a spoon and feed herself but only slowly and with spillage .
6 If Patrick was sent back to the hospital he might be temporarily revived , but only briefly and perhaps in some damaged state .
7 She knew that these sort of wonders do pop up in the world from time to time , but only once or twice in a hundred years .
8 Such cultures would encourage citizens to participate in the political process , but only occasionally and within the limited rules of the democratic game .
9 He might not ride winners these days , but just now and then all the disappointment of his life in racing was forgotten for one sweet moment .
10 In fact , the next year , 1984 , was to be a memorable one in motor racing , distinguished by an extraordinary battle fought by the two men with all the means at their disposal , but always honestly and intelligently , on the circuit .
11 Er , er yeah , but always there and Matthew know , Matthew knew I was gon na be there .
12 And like , it 's alright say like , once every so often but like once or twice
13 The road along the glen is a leafy avenue for four miles to Polldubh , rising hardly at all in this distance but , after crossing the river over an exuberant cascade , climbs steadily for two more miles to a large car park at its terminus , passing a long waterslide coming down from Ben Nevis , which is unseen but directly above and 4000 feet higher .
14 It had all the greens and blues and purples of the old country but more so and the sun undoubtedly shone brighter below the Equator .
15 But early yet and a kind of hush , just scattered bodies here and there and a rag-glad snore on the floor , in the sawdust .
16 Judicial intervention which occurs only when the resultant agency decision is substantively arbitrary will be insufficient , because there may be many instances when it falls short of this , but still wholly or partially ignores the views of interested parties .
17 There are hedges still , but low now and neatly clipped , many of the small woods and copses have gone , and most of the trees in the hedges are the ageing survivors of enclosure planting .
18 Nevertheless , the Bölkow 207 did not bite , dropping its nose smartly but straight ahead and responding instantly to normal recovery techniques .
19 But if it is military evidences that you are pursuing , then I would leave Tarbes and go instead to the splendid castle of Montaner , a few miles to the north-west — not quite Pyrenean I will admit , but near enough and certainly good enough to be brought in here .
20 Further to compound my mystification , he does not seem to realise that according to Christian dogma , God is not only loving but also just and that He may be calling Christians to a future life which is not necessarily ‘ better ’ than the present .
21 As Ives ( 1987 ) has discussed , it is widely believed that the situation in the Himalaya will reach crisis proportions by the turn of the century , affecting not only that region but also downstream and deltaic areas that are in receipt of drainage from the Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers .
22 Europeans tended to export their own familiar animals , sometimes deliberately as in the case of cattle and horses , but often accidentally and with disastrous consequences .
23 But now more and more maybe cos they 're taking early retirement or getting made redundant I mean it 's the fellers is n't it ?
24 By three o'clock , the twenty-five to thirty-foot sets were not just immense , but increasingly gnarly and hard to handle .
25 But there again and that have lived in town before
26 Floy got up , not furtively , but quite openly and naturally , so that if Balor should open his eyes it would not seem as if Floy had been trying to run away .
27 Martin moved after it , slowly at first , but then faster and faster until he was running full tilt after the intruder .
28 But then more and more come and they all started acting flash , like they owned the place and that 's when all the trouble started .
29 It was apparent to Miss Wharton , on that first day , that he had never been inside a church before , but neither then nor on any subsequent visit did he evince the least curiosity about its purpose .
30 He could walk with the help of a nurse , but very slowly and with great difficulty , as his balance was extremely poor .
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