Example sentences of "but [pers pn] may be " in BNC.

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1 And perhaps secondly erm there is not a body of information which has been submitted to er this examination public which advises you in detail on the various issues that we think need to be addressed leading to the erm proposal occasions and I would have thought it would have been difficult for the panel to come to a a conclusion but I may be wrong on that .
2 But I may be working soon myself .
3 Now in Victorian times they were kept as pets and just like hamsters are today and there are still one or two around that er might just give you that impression but I may be really off the , the level here .
4 I may be warning you off that Nigel fellow , but I may be worse .
5 But I may be going back far too long for the evening .
6 But you may be able to complain to a tribunal that you have been discriminated against on the grounds of sex or race , even if the company concerned never offered you a job .
7 Your solicitor will do a local search if you buy a property , but you may be renting in which case no one will do a search for you .
8 You may want this , and choose coral gravel or crushed shell — but you may be keeping Neon Tetras or Discus and need hardness-free gravel .
9 YOUR children may be pestering you to give them a games system for Christmas but you may be better off with a real computer instead .
10 Tempera is the normal alternative to oil for overpainting gold , but you may be able to use a thin layer of tempera or even saliva rubbed into the surface as a preparation for acrylics .
11 The statutory interest rate is usually fixed around the average overdraft rate , but you may be able to charge more if you have a private arrangement for interest in your terms of sale .
12 You will not always get a reply but you may be surprised at how often you do .
13 You may be quite used to talking about yourself but you may be less used to finding connections in your experience .
14 They will usually have to charge for these , but you may be reimbursed if you subsequently register with the agency or fulfil a certain number of hours working for the agency .
15 Your tenants , not you , will be liable for the community charge ( poll tax ) , but you may be liable to capital gains tax when you sell .
16 These are generally used when speed is of the essence , but you may be called upon to give an oral report to accompany a written one .
17 You are unlikely to be using their services for material to send out to the media , though they could be a useful source of illustrations for internal publications , but you may be able to place some of your material with them for use by other organisations .
18 It is probably too delicate to ask the principal the final question : How much of your time will you give to instructing me ? — but you may be able to find out the probabilities from any other articled clerks in the firm .
19 But you may be at ease .
20 More expensive , but still good value , are the units from direct-sell kitchen manufacturers — their quality and installation services can be excellent , but you may be subject to some fairly hard selling methods at first .
21 Movements often stop for long periods , but you may be asked to fill in a ‘ kick chart ’ if you are concerned about it .
22 " But you may be mistaken , " persisted the cowardly tiger , 'she was the very devil of a horseman to look at ! "
23 Some of the questions that are asked may seem impertinent , but you may be assured … ’
24 But you may be sure that the lords of the other cities will be appraised of these conditions by nightfall . ’
25 There is no indication as to why this name was chosen but you may be interested to know that a Grizzled Skipper is a butterfly that , unlike the Grizzled Skipper card , is not at all colourful .
26 But you may be around might n't you ?
27 and maybe it is n't you that do the visit , it 's somebody else who 's , who 's being paid to do it , but you may be responsible for exercising professional judgment about whether that 's the appropriate thing that should be happening and perhaps assessing whether they 're doing it properly .
28 But you may be running out of space .
29 We also look at legislation on the basis , not that you give powers to a good minister , but you may be putting ho powers into the hands of a bad minister , i in future , in future years .
30 But you may be spoiling it for yourself .
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