Example sentences of "but [adj] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A special type is made for interlining boots going between the inner and the outer which is very thin but strong and has high warmth value .
2 The accommodation is simple but spacious and includes two double bedrooms , one single , a bathroom , a laundry , a living-room and a kitchen .
3 An extended fund facility arrangement supporting economic measures , originally concluded for 1985-88 [ see p. 33844 ] but prolonged and increased in 1988 [ see p. 36346 ] , had expired in August 1990 .
4 The humble cottages are presided over by the tower of the venerable church of St Andrew , founded in the twelfth century but rebuilt and restored since with some sacrifice of its earlier features .
5 Phasic rectal contraction and anal relaxation were present but exaggerated and induced at lower distending volumes than in normal subjects .
6 The suspension is quite firm but well-controlled and remains supple at lower speeds , too .
7 The old lady smiled , her face no longer strained , but lively and tanned , the eyes bright .
8 He was still inside her , but softened and withdrawn , and she could not have said honestly that the experience was an exciting one .
9 This comparison was made more difficult by the existence of two organisations with a number of disparate functions , each using similar information but stored and utilised in different ways .
10 She told the audience how she had seen a new state-of-the-art ambulance which was only for use by private patients but staffed and paid for by the NHS .
11 His hands lifted to her shoulders as though he would shake her , but clenched and fell back as he controlled himself .
12 He has to learn that God is a living God now , as well as in the middle ages ; to learn to trust not in antique precedents , but in eternal laws : to learn that his tenants , just because they are children of God , are not to be kept children , but developed and educated into sons .
13 In practice the team has not only explored what can be provided within individual schools , but developed and encouraged co.operative schemes between schools and colleges within particular neighbourhoods ; and all this work was further supported by the existence of the authority 's education library , media resources centre , film library , television service and related activities .
14 Typical comments were " weary-looking , but hardworking and doing her best " ( a tailor 's wife with seven children ) ; or " how she manages to keep the house so tidy is a marvel , she is dying of pthisis " .
15 Yes , the dog had been slightly off colour for a week or two No , he was n't really ill , but listless and coughing occasionally .
16 Inside , it is small but comfortable and furnished with antiques .
17 Nuclear power : carbon-free but costly and feared
18 The Conference would wish all who may take part in the referendum to recognize that Protestant Churches are pro-Life but anti-amendment and to query whether they wish a clause in the constitution unacceptable to Protestant churches .
19 It was a big stone , not round , but elongated and shaped rather like a mandolin .
20 Oppression lay on me like a dead beast , not gaunt and stiff-legged like the animals which lay where they had dropped along the desert road , but soft and smothering like something from which the breath had only just gone .
21 Not sorted out , decided and convinced but curious and open in strange and often wondrous times .
22 Surveys showed that its support , like that for the Liberals , was diffuse but shallow and lacked distinctive issue bases or social constituencies , apart from a following in the well-educated professional groups .
23 Walter solves the problem by volunteering to report back to her and I am left alone , highly conspicuous but undisturbed and ignored by the crowd .
24 But good and relaxed you got all , every part of the structure there
25 He did n't have a pre-ordained and immutable structure to his body , but curled and writhed like a cobra .
26 They point out , for example , that Japanese companies in particular have for some time been making strenuous efforts to recruit labour which is not so much cheap but flexible and prepared to work hard for the company in question .
27 I felt the strangeness then , and the wonder , not unmixed with revivals of half-forgotten fears , but transfigured and enhanced by a mature understanding , which I had lacked as a child in Africa , of what the whole performance was for .
28 The Youngest Son , pale and drawn , but smiling and trying to tease , walked up the steps with a drip of sodium , sucrose and potassium attached to his left arm .
29 One shop assistant was polite , but adamant and explained : ‘ Dogs are not allowed because of the risk of soiling or damage to the woollen clothes . ’
30 Douglas hoped to surprise the castle sufficiently to gain access ; but he recognised that however much of a surprise , this might not be possible , for it was a fairly strong place , not a major fortalice but moated and walled , with drawbridge , gatehouse , portcullis and the rest .
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