Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] [coord] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The last seven years have seen a considerable expansion of the museum 's activities but have been coloured by the drama and eventual scandal surrounding the controversial restoration by Daniel Goldreyer of one of the museum 's principal paintings , Barnet Newman 's monumental ‘ Who 's afraid of red yellow and blue III ’ which had been vandalised in 1986 ( see p.15 ) .
2 For instance , the finding that women are ‘ cooperative ’ or ‘ conciliatory ’ speakers may be explained , as we have seen , in terms of women 's activities and peer-group norms .
3 The accounting policies of the Institute have regard to accounting standards and presentational aspects of the Companies Act where these are relevant to the Institute 's activities and do not result in misleading information .
4 It is true that one can scan a whole evening 's programmes and find only puerile junk on every channel .
5 If you were one of last year 's groups and wish to continue , or if you would like to join a group for the first time , please let me know as soon as possible .
6 Charlton is convinced Old Trafford is the stage to harness Cantona 's talents and tame the gypsy in him .
7 I shall need to see today 's print-outs and talk to the drivers tomorrow , ’ she followed up firmly .
8 During the special day of Saraswati — goddess of wisdom and the arts — offerings are now made to her not only on our neighbour 's canvases and paint brushes , but also on our typewriters , cameras , and tape-recorders .
9 Following the receipt of the epitome of title or office copy entries , the wife 's solicitors will submit a draft conveyance or transfer to the husband 's solicitors and engross the same after approval .
10 They assault the sense , savage the palate , ravage one 's innards and announce themselves in loud , pungent terms so that one gets wind of them long before one catches sight of them .
11 The manager of the recruiting bureau may or may not be present at the interview , but may be present when discussion takes place afterwards , or may have submitted a written report on the recruit 's attitudes and progress so far in the bureau .
12 It is essential for the marketer to understand the behavioural determinants of people 's attitudes and purchase behaviour .
13 Nevertheless , envoys subsequently arrived from Cnut offering to restore half England to Æthelred 's sons and establish peace , as he was gravely ill , whereupon Robert decided to postpone his expedition and go to Jerusalem .
14 I have enclosed our response to Government 's proposals and hope that , despite its late arrival , it will be taken into account before the proposals are finalised .
15 In order to prepare an informed and adroit response to the Welsh Office on its proposed package of measures , CPRW has invited a number of people with special skills , experience and expertise to meet under the chairmanship of Professor Michael Haines , to consider the Welsh Office 's proposals and offer advice on the most appropriate response for CPRW .
16 There are difficulties assessing the child between the age of 2 and 4 years and so a range of different tests is used in an attempt to tap a wide range of the child 's skills and maintain the child 's interest and motivation to co-operate .
17 With unemployment spiralling upwards , Mr McLeish said , it was particularly important for Mr Lang to take a grip on training policy , to improve people 's skills and make industry more competitive .
18 In 1815 , during the making of the Vienna settlement , both the Russian and the Habsburg ambassadors in London tried to use British newspapers to arouse opposition to Castlereagh 's policies and weaken his position in the negotiations .
19 Although this was predicted to occur at some unspecified date in the future , belief in it was strengthened by the promise of a Messiah who would defeat Israel 's enemies and restore the nation to its former glory .
20 Companies will often provide staff to come and talk to children , bring samples of their company 's products and arrange accompanied visits to their premises .
21 Take this opportunity to try Amyway 's products and see how they really do stand up to the products you have used for years .
22 This is the strategy employed by strangers who are fearful of the cat 's claws and have to find some way of picking it up without being attacked .
23 Before his release from Reading gaol , Wilde appointed Ross his literary executor ; but with Wilde 's estate bankrupt , it was not until 1905 that Ross was able to pay Wilde 's creditors and annul the bankruptcy .
24 First , it deliberately sets out to extend the North 's horizons and raise its sights , believing thus that is internal vision will expand .
25 According to officers stationed at Darlington , the silent majority now support Mr Thompson 's plans and believe they could even speed response times to house fires in the town .
26 That , that was the start , the start of it , I think how it actually commenced so they used to get in each other 's houses and play a few games of cards dominoes and draughts things like that , and they , they took over they must have actually bought the houses before they built the club .
27 As one director put it at the time : ‘ I will not allow my social workers , one of whose core values is honesty , to go into people 's houses and behave in a fundamentally deceitful way ’ .
28 The one who would go round to all the different clubs and people 's houses and do the cooking there .
29 Packages like Omicron 's XIS and Multisoft Premier Plus offer multicurrency facilities in all of their accounting and distribution ledgers , whereas the Sage Sovereign general ledger only works in the user 's chosen base currency , although its sales and purchase ledgers are multicurrency .
30 When it became known that the Government had said it could not afford to honour Nelson 's wishes and help her out , the tradesmen to whom she still owed money closed in .
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