Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] for [adv] " in BNC.

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1 People have been scrambling up Cust 's Gully for over 100 years , and in dry conditions it should pose no problems — although it is not particularly attractive and I only included it because it was such a traditional route .
2 NEXT , the diary 's award for Strictly Objective Reporting .
3 She was to remain Henry 's captive for as long as he chose .
4 South Africa opposed Mozambique 's radical regime , fearing its potential influence in the region , and Frelimo 's support for both the Zimbabwean liberation struggle and the African National Congress ( ANC ) of South Africa .
5 There may be considerable scepticism about Pascal 's case for always wagering on the outsider if the odds are high enough .
6 He had borne the brunt of Rich 's upbringing for almost fourteen years and the boy was past ‘ normal ’ school-leaving age .
7 A single kiln , for instance , probably implies a potter 's presence for only a short period in the life of a settlement some may even have been itinerant or at best semi-residential , moving on once local demand had been satisfied .
8 The National Council for Civil Liberties is a non-partisan , voluntary organisation which has campaigned effectively to defend this country 's freedom for over 50 years .
9 The government had argued that its proposal to include words expressing the minister 's responsibility for further and higher education in a new bill would have had little impact , because the main thrust of the bill in question was changes in the administration of schools .
10 Tort considers such things as the caterer 's liability for negligently prepared food which causes injury to the customer .
11 ‘ See here , ’ said the doctor doubtfully , ‘ it is n't usual for a man to walk into an empty house at four in the morning and come out with another man 's cheque for nearly a hundred pounds . ’
12 The excess will remain in the buyer 's warehouse for quite some time , tying up his capital and his storage space .
13 In this case , the idea for a new church was in the leader 's mind for over a year before conception .
14 It 'd be quite exciting to get somebody else 's mail for once . ’
15 ‘ I believe our communities expect the number of uniformed police trying to combat these crime should also be increased ‘ It seems ridiculous that the Home Secretary should turn down County Durham Constabulary 's bid for only 20 additional officers . ’
16 If the OED were left as no more than a monument to the English of the twentieth century it would not remain the twenty-first century 's dictionary for long .
17 It had hung in Maggie 's bedroom for as long as Phoebe could remember : she had not looked at it properly for years .
18 Alone together they fell to tender embraces that rapidly shifted up a gear to heavy petting , and before long they had retired to the girl 's bedroom for more adventurous fun and games .
19 For the Republic the experience was a painful and , some would always argue , self-defeating one ; for the Nationalists , united by a common deference towards authority , matters proceeded more smoothly — and in such a way as to determine Spain 's future for almost forty years to come .
20 It 's the Chairman 's fault for actually eating there . ’
21 — SCARBOROUGH boss Ray McHale is considering revamping his side 's formation for tomorrow 's tricky trip to Chesterfield .
22 Galileo 's law for freely falling bodies in a vacuum is an example .
23 Eggs are laid and the caterpillar hatches out , to feed avidly on seed pods of hedge garlic , lady 's smock , char lock or dame 's violet for about 25 days .
24 PaT 's campaign for more vigorous enforcement of this law has led to the introduction of a Private Member 's Bill into the House of Commons which is now in the final stages of its passage through Parliament and will become law later in 1991 .
25 Mrs Gotobed would have made a Will and Hepzibah and Mister Johnny would be safe in Druid 's Bottom for ever and ever …
26 When they first shared a tent in the rainforest , how could they have foreseen that the camp would be Jane 's home for almost her entire adult life ?
27 She had been Carolyn 's protector for so long .
28 The most important and comprehensive exhibition of Toulouse-Lautrec 's work for nearly 30 years will be on show at the Hayward Gallery , London , this month .
29 Spaniards respect her for keeping her schoolteacher 's job for as long as possible .
30 " I 'm … staying in Veronica 's place for now , while she 's in the States . "
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