Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] he have " in BNC.

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1 After hearing of Mr Hindmarch 's case he had contacted the firm , which agreed to send on the units .
2 In Peter 's case he has put down a marker for next year , when he will still be young enough to try .
3 For this month 's Esquire he has interviewed former South African hit man Dirk Coetzee ( page 82 ) .
4 He said Mr Lamont declared in last year 's Budget he had ‘ no need , no proposals and no plans either to raise or to extend the scope of VAT ’ .
5 Show Jackie in a minute all that guff about laughter Michael 's chest he 's got back of his .
6 go in Anthy 's bedroom he 's got all his cars in there with his garage
7 The answer is that he can maintain the action if at the time of the defendant 's act he had ( a ) ownership and possession of the goods , or ( b ) possession of them ; or ( c ) an immediate right to possess them , but without either ownership or actual possession .
8 Through Roszak 's influence he had read Thomas Merton and Kenneth Rexroth , the anarchists Paul Goodman and Alex Comfort , and had absorbed the new literature of the civil rights movement , Liberation magazine .
9 On his way home to Brest , sailing north-about round Ireland , Jones confirmed his reputation as a maritime Robin Hood by releasing , with a new sail and money in their pockets , some Irish fishermen he had captured , but his arrival back in port , on 8 May 1778 , proved a disappointment , for the French failed to give him the hero 's welcome he had expected .
10 While still at Lincoln 's Inn he had joined the British India Society and the Anti-Corn Law League , both of which confirmed his radical political leanings .
11 For their mother 's sake he had to be taken away .
12 For god 's sake he 's he 's played that
13 His twin seventeen-year-old grand-daughters had just left school and when he had read the rough draft of Sara 's prospectus he had immediately suggested that she enrolled Celia and Rosalind .
14 And thanks to Rolf 's record he 's never been so busy .
15 After Horatia 's funeral he had gone to London , spending a year in a frenzy of gambling , drinking , fast riding and the seduction of women .
16 After some months of working with him it gradually emerged that although he had indeed identified his wife 's body he had had a member of the hospital staff with him at all times .
17 anyway their Bev 's husband he 'd been doing some work plus some money they dropped on these spindles , so she was telling me
18 It was only necessary for him to cycle three hundred yards down the canal towpath to get home , but three times to Yanto 's knowledge he had ridden his bike into the canal .
19 After nine years ' captivity at Theodore 's court he had escaped from Magdala and returned to his homeland .
20 Jeans cut off thigh-high to make shorts and a T-shirt he had made out of an old man 's vest he had bought for 20p in a sale under the arches at Charing Cross Station and dyed green and yellow .
21 ‘ The initial one is to the left , avoiding the whims and cluster of seven bunkers on the right , ’ advised the player 's guide he had bought for 25p , ‘ after which shots should be aimed directly at the flagstick . ’
22 At the time of Chamberlain 's appointment he had written to his mother : ‘ I am pretty certain that I shall be left where I am which is what I wanted , for the only promotion I should care about would be the Exchequer itself which would never be given to a minister of only two years ' experience .
23 From then his career was hard graft : succeeding Brian Sellers as Yorkshire 's captain he had to rebuild the side which , although talented , never managed more than a shared title ; he won his England place on merit before succeeding Wally Hammond as captain when he had to face Don Bradman 's Australia .
24 To everyone 's relief he had given up driving in his eighties .
25 The traffic began to move again at that point , though , and to Jessamy 's relief he had to give his attention to the road ahead .
26 Lord Woodleigh 's secretary he has sent for ? ’
27 When they had reached St Matthew 's church he had followed her inside as naturally as if they had set out together that morning .
28 All Joe 's life he 'd been asked what it was like being Jerry Lewis 's kid and his answer was always : ‘ It 's great , he 's great ’ .
29 Of course Boy had seen inside a lot of different men 's houses , but this was the first man 's life he had ever watched at such close quarters , the first time he had ever seen a man taking care of himself , the first time he had ever seen another man living day after day after day .
30 All Marion 's life he had grumbled about being both a father and a mother to her and when she was small she had felt that he was cross with her .
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