Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Much of Christian Aid 's funding is in support of Third World church groups ' practice of development .
2 According to Freedberg , the aim of Kosuth 's installation was to ‘ engender self-reflexiveness in each viewer 's judgment about the relations between art , morality and censorship ’ .
3 In both ( 13 ) and ( 14 ) Valerie reports the exchanges as involving a change of codes between speakers : thus in ( 13 ) her cousin addresses her in London English but Valerie 's response is in Creole .
4 ‘ Therefore , I must say that Wedgwood 's response was like a breath of fresh air .
5 If a person 's income is above the applicable amount , these rebates will be reduced , producing a loss of 65 per cent of the difference between their income and the applicable amount for rent , and suffering a 20 per cent tapered reduction for rates .
6 On average , 65pc of a household 's income is from wages and salaries , compared with 74pc in 1965 , the survey shows .
7 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS — Chandos has announced two important signings — Richard Hickox ( an announced in brief in a previous issue ) , and the BBC PO and new Principal Conductor Yan Pascal Tortelier ; Hickox 's contract is for a minimum of 27 releases ( nine per year ) including both choral and orchestral recordings .
8 Remember Frank Holden 's defence is in the interest of every member of IBOA .
9 But Italy 's defence was in chaos without him in the dismal 2–2 draw with Switzerland in their opening qualifying tie and he changed his mind yesterday under pressure from his wife and Italian federation president Antonio Matarrese .
10 The interior of the King 's saloon was of satinwood , inlaid with ivory , while the Queen 's day room was in white enamel , with delicate shades of pink and blue in the decorations .
11 When money is falling in value ( prices rising ) , borrowers gain at the expense of lenders because today 's money is worth more than tomorrow 's money .
12 Not that Britten 's Prologue is in " sonata-form " or any other nominal academic form ( though it does bear some passing resemblance to the first movement of Sibelius 's Third Symphony , which is in sonata-form ) .
13 The instructor 's award is to be subdivided into those able to instruct on cliffs of less than 40 metres and 40 metres plus , and groups of less than 50 abseilers ( one coachload ? ) , and more than 50 people ( multiple coach loads ) .
14 Sir Arthur 's award is in recognition of his long standing support for the university and Miss Cooper 's for her unique contribution to design in the ceramic industry .
15 Lisa 's award is in recognition for the good job she does — the Downs Syndrome Association hope it will also publicise the fact that the opportunites for adults with Downs Syndrome to do ordinary jobs are few and far between .
16 But Tony Franjieh 's rise was to be short-lived .
17 The expert 's advantage is in his easy access to the evidence and in his better ability to grasp its significance .
18 Anthony admits , that the inspectorate 's judgement is on trial .
19 Bobby Simpson 's judgement was to be proved right …
20 Again , Jim Leighton 's judgement was at fault as the little Nantes midfielder managed to steer a shot between the keeper and his near post .
21 Although sensitivity to cow 's milk is by far the most common problem in babies and children , all sorts of other foods have been implicated .
22 Top notes present thrillingly , and Kollo 's technique is in mint condition after nearly 25 years .
23 Ademar 's evidence is demonstrably unreliable , however ; and without it , there is nothing to show that Pippin II 's support was at all widespread .
24 I think in that situation the home crowd 's support was of great value to the team .
25 If God 's tent is to be a place of beauty and splendour , his priest must also be fittingly robed .
26 Of these identifications of a new underclass as the victim of affluence in the two-thirds ( affluent and Tory ) versus one-third ( not ) society , Bauman 's formulation is to be preferred to Saunder 's because it sets up issues which are subject to empirical review and it continues to use a conception of reproduction :
27 The most accurate way to assess an individual 's temperament is by observing his expressions and behaviour .
28 Viewed by many as a vain upstart , de Gaulle 's stand was in fact inspired not by ambition but by a deeply-held belief in the grandeur of France .
29 PETER Tarry 's livelihood is under threat .
30 If the game was for high stakes , if Pound 's livelihood was at stake , the more reason for playing the game circumspectly .
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