Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Specifically , as soon as market interest rates started to rise , expectations of an increase in MLR were generated and the government 's funding programme became difficult .
2 Wyse Technology 's Link subsidiary has black and white and colour offerings waiting in the wings , Cumulus will have its terminal out within three months and NCR/ADDS will begin volume shipments of its product later this year .
3 HP 9000 series 800 users will also get a modem thrown in — SupportWatch automatically dials HP 's response centre to notify engineers of problems .
4 In one stroke Lyle has added 230 retailers to their list of customers and Stoddard 's Contract Division has received an order for 15,200 square meters of Custom carpeting for two Stakis Country Court Hotels .
5 The slow but steady rise in France 's defence spending has begun to turn down this year .
6 The shielding protects you — though you still need to do some fancy flying to stay stable within the radioactive thermals — then as the cloud dissipates you cut out and down , across the mountains — they look tiny ! — swoop across the closed valley , loose the missile when the base 's defence radar picks you up and use the last of your fuel to escape over the far side while the missile takes out the base .
7 Ciskei 's defence chief claimed his troops acted in self-defence .
8 Labour 's defence spokesman has expressed fears that a missile system being developed in the region could fall into the hands of Iraq .
9 Only 15% of America 's defence budget goes on research and development .
10 During the original trial Ronson 's defence counsel emphasised his client 's integrity on several occasions , a fact which the trial judge found difficult to reconcile with his criminal behaviour concluding it must have ‘ been a moment of greed ’ .
11 Hyde 's defence counsel has told Northampton Crown court that provocation would be an issue in the trial .
12 After the last prosecution witness had given his statement , Kesselring 's defence counsel rose to give his opening address .
13 Mr Stanley Kalms , chairman of electrical retailer Dixons , yesterday unveiled his company 's defence document aimed at beating off a £550million bid from Kingfisher .
14 The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August renewed debate about NATO 's defence role extending beyond alliance borders .
15 Noseir 's defence lawyer had claimed that Kahane , an ultra-militant Zionist leader , had been shot by one of his own supporters .
16 Browning 's defence lawyer says this and other evidence could have been crucial if heard by the trial jury .
17 That may be true , but in 1987 hostile interviews with Neil Kinnock trying to explain his party 's defence policy counted as part of the Labour Party 's coverage .
18 The girl 's defence solicitor said she was now living at home after months in a children 's home during family difficulties .
19 The warning came from the all party , defence select committee , whose Conservative chairman said the country 's defence capability had already been pared to the bone .
20 Since the expected value of next period 's money supply enters the current demand function , and since demanders are assumed to know the value of t , it follows that , in general , demand will be immunized from the influence of t .
21 Japan 's money policy had to tighten sharply , if the yen were not to collapse and if inflation was to be kept under control .
22 The expanded auditors ' report : could do better The APB 's exposure draft needs some attention if it is to help to reduce the expectations gap
23 It was clear that the longer the current unstable crisis atmosphere persists , the stronger the opposition 's bargaining position becomes .
24 Upon his return home Özal commented that Turkey 's bargaining power had been enhanced by its vital co-operation in enforcing sanctions against Iraq during the current Gulf crisis [ see p. 37641 ] .
25 The year 's trial run begins on November the first and the service will be free to rail-users .
26 Isaac 's parting blessing recognizes Jacob as heir to God 's promise .
27 But since she knew that the Czech word for ‘ please ’ was ‘ prosím ’ she was hoping that the polite woman 's parting phrase had been the equivalent of an English ‘ Excuse me , please ’ while she went away to hand her card over to Vendelin Gajdusek .
28 She shivered , her right hand moving restlessly towards the gold chain with its rectangular pendant which lay on the exposed skin of her neck above the scooped-out neckline of her dress : Rune 's parting gift given to her that dull morning when , after having insisted on collecting her from her hotel , he had driven her to the airport at Kastrup .
29 Ibsen 's Peer Gynt compared his quest for identity to the process of peeling layers off an onion ; but after shedding all the ‘ false selves ’ , he found that there was nothing inside , no ‘ core ’ .
30 An antenna on top of the torpedo 's sensor pod receives radio signals from an Argentinian ship , submarine or aircraft .
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