Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [coord] a " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps two-thirds of IBM 's income and an estimated 75 per cent of profits are still tied up in this threatened area .
2 The on-loan Kilcline brought much-needed stability to the heart of Newcastle 's defence but a moment 's hesitation by the otherwise accomplished Alan Neilson undid the good work , allowing former darlington player David Currie to fire the equaliser five minutes from time .
3 If there were , then the last decade and a half of selectionist-neutralist controversies over all these different non-definitional issues could have been settled in advance without recourse to empirical data , in an armchair with a scientist 's glossary and a logician 's truth table .
4 What is the difference between a pain in one 's foot and a pain in one 's stomach ?
5 The Sartre-type account is really no more than an endorsement of what James called ‘ the most natural and immediate answer ’ to the question , ‘ What is the difference between a pain in one 's foot and a pain in one 's stomach ? ’
6 In this essay I have tried to make the most of one such region — in which the connection between one 's everyday experience of bodily sensations and one 's conception of the relation of body and mind seems fairly plain : to accept the James-type account , and the general conceptual background of which it is a symptom , is to deny one 's everyday experience of the difference between a pain in one 's foot and a pain in one 's stomach .
7 The legislative powers of the public water authorities have been highlighted by Mr Ralston 's case and a proposal by the Central Scotland Water Development Board to lay a 12-mile mains from the treatment works at Balmore to Cumbernauld because of an increase in demand .
8 Sandison interrupted , unsure whether this was a genuine mistake on Maidstone 's part or a little test .
9 He picked her up in his car after Mrs Dean said she had some news from his ex-wife Debbie , Geoffrey Dean 's sister and a former beauty queen .
10 He picked her up in his car after Mrs Dean told him she had some news from his ex-wife Debbie , Geoffrey Dean 's sister and a former beauty queen .
11 People had been shocked , by numbers as well as by gratuitous death itself , as people will be , and Mrs Maguire 's sister and a friend had founded the Peace People , whose brave beginning and sad end will not be chronicled here .
12 Hilda Lini , the Prime Minister 's sister and a VP MP , proposed that a number of police and court functions might , under the terms of the amended constitution , be shifted to the traditional authority structures of the villages .
13 Over on ITV was Valdez Horses with Charles Bronson , not the most expressive of actors , as a halfbreed stud farmer involved with his wealthy neighbour 's sister and a teenage runaway .
14 The proposal of such words to a writer can lead to disbelief about a word 's existence and a lack of confidence in the system .
15 Parties faced with an expert 's decision or an arbitration award will need to know how the decision or award may be enforced , whether they can appeal against the decision or award and whether they can sue the expert or arbitrator .
16 This chapter seeks to distinguish arbitration from references to experts by considering : ( 1 ) confusion between whether references have been to experts or arbitrators ( 15.2 ) ; ( 2 ) how the court interprets express words in the contract about a referee 's status ( 15.3 ) ; ( 3 ) the guidelines for assessing the referee 's status ( 15.4 – 15.9 ) ; ( 4 ) the procedural differences between arbitrations and references to experts ( 15.10 ) ; ( 5 ) the different consequences of an expert 's decision and an arbitration award ( 15.11 ) .
17 15.11 The different consequences of an expert 's decision and an
18 what you 're considering a , a four month 's building or a of that kind ?
19 There is no record of Osbald 's parentage but a Bernician extraction seems highly probable .
20 In the bedroom cupboard , scented with lavender , a man 's shirt and a woman 's white skirt swung among the empty coat-hangers .
21 The support from one 's functional colleagues requires first of all a high degree of mutuality of respect for each other 's expertise and a shared acceptance of the objective that you are trying to achieve .
22 They are sent regular reports on the community 's progress and a quarterly paper reporting on ActionAid 's work worldwide .
23 Q2 's designer , Mike Pocock , was n't so much chosen as self-appointed through a combination of admiration for Mary 's enthusiasm and a clear understanding of what the owner wanter Q2 to be .
24 The celebration must take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. , and must be preceded by a publication of banns or the obtaining of a Registrar 's certificate or a Bishop 's or Registrar 's licence , and unless a special licence is obtained from the Archbishop of Canterbury , must take place in a recognized place of worship or Registrar 's office situate in the district in which one at least of the parties resides .
25 Because she 's got the two and as she said to me , it does n't matter in the junior school , he will take a teacher 's assessment or a report with him anyway .
26 On April 20 two leading opposition groups — the African Liberation Forces of Mauritania ( FLAM ) and the United Front for Armed Resistance ( FURAM ) — said in a joint statement that without Taya 's resignation and a general amnesty there could be no genuine democracy .
27 On Dec. 9 opposition parties forced the adjournment of Parliament amid pandemonium and competing calls for Rao 's resignation and a ban on the BJP .
28 In the immediately preceding weeks dozens of violent anti-government demonstrations , led by students in the capital Caracas and other major cities , had demanded Pérez 's resignation and an end to economic austerity policies and police repression .
29 But in Stephen Jameson 's performance he looks like Beckett 's Pozzo or a Daily Worker cartoon of a bloated capitalist : bounced around the stage at one point like a rubber doll , he becomes a figure from a comedy of humours rather than a semi-Chekhovian fantasia .
30 STRATHBEG is a naturalist 's paradise and a trout fisherman 's delight .
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