Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 It seemed that he 'd expected the animal 's response to be more intense on the second day , but it actually scored lower on his scale .
2 The horse 's response to being dragged to water takes the form of a typical pre-linguistic prototype of human choice .
3 This media course was set up as the school 's response to being chosen , like school A to participate in the Gulbenkian Research Project .
4 We must n't allow your mother 's money to be wasted in this way .
5 One might expect one 's money to be used to buy holidays or be handed to charity , but that is not what happens .
6 I wish I could be doing something , moving , he thought , with an infantryman 's loathing of being pinned down in a known position .
7 He called for Drogoul 's trial to be postponed to allow a special prosecutor ( independent counsel ) to be appointed to investigate the affair .
8 Julie 's award for being the happiest customer was a large teddy bear ‘ Thoroughbred Ted ’ — the emblem adopted by Lloyds Banks to promote the campaign — and to help her celebrate , and keep smiling , a bottle of champagne !
9 For a few seconds he was too shocked to speak and Rebecque assumed that the silence merely expressed Sharpe 's horror at being ordered to a ball , but then the Rifleman exploded with his news .
10 Ken himself would have gone along with Michael Codron 's judgement of being the finest revue actor of the day — not realizing that revue was about to go the way of music hall .
11 Sotheby 's case for being discharged from this hugely expensive and embarrassing case rested on the argument that it was merely the custodian of the treasure , was unaware that its export licences from the Lebanon had been fraudulently acquired , and that it had no further interest in the treasure .
12 The 28 days for Courtney 's case to be referred to the Court of Appeal runs out on Monday .
13 There are only 14 days left for Courtney 's case to be referred back .
14 The Department 's submission should press the Region 's case to be the Unitary Authority for Lothian , even if we feel the Government is against it — they have not proved the Region is inefficient or ineffective and other parties may turn to the Region 's support .
15 141 ( 1 ) Rent reserved by a lease , and the benefit of every covenant or provision therein contained , having reference to the subject-matter thereof , and on the lessee 's part to be observed or performed , and every condition of re-entry and other condition therein contained , shall be annexed and incident to and shall go with the reversionary estate in the land , or in any part thereof , immediately expectant on the term granted by the lease , notwithstanding severance of that reversionary estate , and without prejudice to any liability affecting a covenantor or his estate .
16 The fact that we do n't require the evidence of God 's existence to be overwhelming does not mean that we require no evidence of God 's existence at all .
17 The danger of the approach is that it allows the courts to intervene even where Parliament intended the tribunal 's decision to be final .
18 Before the Act the courts would not interfere with any decision by a local authority relating to a child in its care under statutory authority unless the local authority had itself brought the matter before the court , or the facts were such as to entitle the local authority 's decision to be challenged by way of judicial review : A. v. Liverpool City Council [ 1982 ] A.C. 363 , 373 , per Lord Wilberforce .
19 Though there is no appeal procedure laid down if the chairman of the meeting rejects a proxy duly lodged and therefore does not allow that creditor 's vote , it is open to the creditor affected to apply to the court for the chairman 's decision to be reversed and for a new meeting to be held .
20 It will take a year for the synod 's decision to be fully ratified and if the June 1994 synod does mark the final step towards ordaining women , not only will nothing happen for six months , but the college of bishops will present three resolutions safeguarding the positions of those within the church who do not agree .
21 This was not an unconscious result of everybody 's inability to be value-free , but an achieved conventional politeness , consciously assumed to avoid giving offence : it also , incidentally , put the burden of being disagreeable on anyone who wished to oppose the unstated assertions .
22 Woman 's inability to be content with either living in the orbit of the male ‘ I ’ or repressing her desire into ‘ hystery ’ is a result of the fact that male desire is an essentially narcissistic ‘ Pygmalion urge ’ to invent woman in its own image , while permitting the male subject the freedom to enjoy multiple reflections .
23 I believe Blackwomen 's Creativity to be revolutionary in its potential .
24 I remember a terrific noise in the night , and thinking that a submarine must have got through after all , dashed into Pop 's cabin to be told that it was only coal being poured into the bunkers below decks !
25 Television pictures of captured British airmen intensified calls for Saddam Hussein 's removal to be added to the list of war aims .
26 A GRIEVING family 's plea to be allowed to have a teddy bear carved on their daughter 's gravestone is to go to the Bishop of Chelmsford .
27 The children at school , with whom Martha 's struggle to be accepted was lost before it began because of her colour , called her Red Ibo .
28 He received a brisk and bewildering up-date on the progress , so far , in woman 's struggle to be a person in her own right , and not the property of some bloody man .
29 TODAY does not lightly ask for his or any criminal 's sentence to be increased .
30 We all , of course , have our favourite interviewers , depending on what we consider the interviewer 's function to be .
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