Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [noun] came " in BNC.

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1 Gorbachev 's resignation offer came in the middle of the second day 's debate .
2 His Majesty 's submarine Taureg came home to base smoothly and smartly , escorted by a frigate of the Free Netherlands Navy .
3 Gazza 's team-mate Signori came second in the competition , for his goal against Inter Milan , while AC Milan 's Marco Van Basten was third .
4 He has reopened old wounds with Alliss after the pair were involved in a verbal battle during the British Masters last May when Faldo 's practice routines came under questioning .
5 Rush 's club landmark came just a week after he had reached a scoring milestone for his country .
6 NICK KNIGHT 'S fighting qualities came to the rescue of champions Essex as they were made to struggle for runs in reply to Northants ' 444 for nine declared at Chelmsford .
7 The King 's horse Anmer came up and Miss Davison went towards it .
8 The world 's equity markets came under renewed pressure at the beginning of 1990 due to in particular to concerns over inflation and higher interest rates .
9 Celtic 's breakthrough goal came from their most fluent move .
10 Bob Willis 's Test career came to a sad end at Headingley in 1984 , as Michael Holding hit him for five sixes .
11 As he reached Bert Shorrocks 's place Charlie came to a sudden halt .
12 Derby 's Mark Pembridge , Andy Melville of Oxford and Portsmouth 's Kit Symons came safely through their games and joined up with the squad last night .
13 Mr Nemadzivhanani 's funeral oration came shortly after the capture of eight alleged APLA men on suspicion of having murdered Sandra Swanepoel , a farmer 's wife , near the Transvaal town of Tzaneen .
14 Horsler 's appointment to control British Coal 's marketing strategy came amid reports that his business experience as national contracts director suited him for a negotiating role .
15 SWEEPING changes to Darlington 's town centre came into force at the end of last month .
16 Miss Barber said that shortly afterwards Paula 's husband Eddie came in .
17 Miss Barber said that shortly afterwards Paula 's husband Eddie came in .
18 The mill 's water power came from the Bonsall Brook and a ‘ sough ’ — the stream of an adit made for draining lead mines .
19 We had not been going for more than half an hour when the driver of the sick man 's bullock cart came to me and said that all was now well , we need go no further .
20 Sharp 's opening goal came after 11 minutes in controversial circumstances .
21 Waverley 's opening statement came from vice-chair Michele Munro , who said the trust board felt it was time to offer the benefits former Scottish Homes tenants in the Borders had enjoyed with Waverley for the last four years to Tweeddale tenants .
22 Yesterday 's court hearing came in the seventh week of the bitter dispute which began as a strike in protest over lay-offs then led to the sacking of 340 workers .
23 Canada 's selection policy came as a surprise to many observers , with changes made in the side that defeated Fiji in preparation for Romania and yet again in a winning team for the final pool game against France .
24 Under the cover of the two senior Hepwoods enthusiastically congratulating their nephew and Guthrie Hepwood taking Travis with him to his wine cellar to sort through some champagne , Leith 's hate vibes came out with a vengeance .
25 San Francisco , of course , is the home of the City Lights bookshop , where Kerouac 's Beat generation came of age .
26 The latest outbursts against Governor Chris Patten 's democracy package came from the head of China 's Hong Kong affairs office , Lu Ping , who said Mr Patten would be ‘ condemned through the ages . ’
27 Charity 's warning lights came on .
28 Adam 's warning yell came almost too late as she in turn was grabbed .
29 I removed the offending items , and before it had really begun Barny 's training programme came to a permanent halt .
30 SUPPORT for Britain 's coal industry came last night from an unexpected quarter as the right wing pressure group Aims of Industry called for a wide ranging review .
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