Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [noun] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 A report claims that complaints about Britain 's rail services have quadrupled in the past decade to reach a record high .
2 Although all ICI 's board members have endorsed the reorganisation ( which they all claim to be a radical one ) , it seems that both Mr Hampel and Mr Hutchison initially favoured a different course for ICI .
3 Her Majesty 's Foot Guards Banquet in aid of Foot Guards Charities at Hampton Court Palace .
4 ‘ I suppose Mr Taylor 's ghost stories have made you uneasy ? ’
5 Palatine 's brand names include ‘ Palatine Bitter ’ , ‘ Weaver Ales ’ and ‘ Palatinate Lager ’ .
6 America 's banking troubles have also brought in business : Swiss banks have been flooded both with deposits and loan requests from blue-chip American firms .
7 Early models of Campbell 's calculator camera reveal the ability to carry out essential photographic functions such as converting square miles into square kilometres , and cubic feet into cubic metres .
8 But in Stoke Mandeville 's case GPs have referred too many patients , effectively presenting the health authorities with an additional bill they ca n't pay .
9 The Sherpas raised $ 50,000 and Hillary 's fundraising efforts have already boosted that sum by a further $ 400,000 .
10 The good news was that Charles 's conjecture mug have been correct : Alex must be in the hut .
11 A decision to let ICI 's bioscience businesses demerge would mark a sharp break with a tradition that has formed part of the company 's culture since it started : the tradition of the cartel .
12 Harald 's building works imply the existence of a system for organising labour , and it would be surprising if his achievements bore no relation to those of his son and grandson .
13 The city 's building codes do not incorporate seismic resistance , and more than half of Manhattan 's buildings are built of unreinforced masonry .
14 Since the mid-1970s , academics at London 's University College have tried to find a commercial sponsor for their Cellular Logic Array Processor ( CLIP ) .
15 Recommendations were that the New University of Ulster move towards more emphasis on mature students , distance learning and non-degree work ; that Ulster Polytechnic increase emphasis on vocational studies ; and that Queen 's University Belfast continue largely as before , though with more emphasis on broadly based and part-time courses , and , where possible , three-year degree courses ( instead of four year ) .
16 Compulsive investors in the UK 's OTC market enjoy at best a love-hate relationship with the stocks , the dealers , and the whole manic unpredictability of it all , weighted against their interests though it is .
17 Irvin and Martin 's assessment techniques have been in great demand abroad , even as the British science establishment closes ranks against it .
18 The company 's INSEAD alumni have yet to prove their skills in an openly competitive market .
19 Members of the town 's hospice movement say trade has fallen dramatically at their charity shop .
20 This tripartite distinction , easy to uphold on the grounds of typography , is complicated , however , by the fact that fragments of the italicized Lord 's Prayer passage find themselves brought in from the right-hand margin to form part of the body of the text when , further truncated , they make up the liturgical stutter of
21 But while Harwell 's bird-watching boffins revel in the habitat around them there 's just one snag .
22 Who will feature on John Major 's resignation honours list ?
23 Who did Elton John team up with for last year 's chart smash Do n't Let the Sun Go Down on Me ?
24 The package adhered to Bush 's election campaign pledge not to raise taxes , whilst also ensuring that , in theory , the budget deficit did not exceed $64,000 million , the legal requirement stipulated by the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings deficit reduction law .
25 Should voters behave in this fashion , the contents of the Opposition 's election manifesto become less significant in deciding the result .
26 Moreover , 1988 's election results suggest that Jackson will take the Presidency in 1992 , over the dead body of the Democratic Party .
27 Brooklands Today The circuit 's glory days live on
28 The Bundesbank 's fear of inflation and the impact of unification on Germany 's budget deficit have resulted in higher real interest rates in Germany — and hence in other countries that are members of the European Monetary System ( EMS ) .
29 Show jeopardy : Langbaurgh 's budget economies have cast a shadow over the future of East Cleveland 's annual show .
30 Every other Government in the European Community know that , for months past , the British Government 's negotiating energies have been directed not at shaping the future of the Community but at papering over the cracks in the Tory party .
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