Example sentences of "not really [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't much care which , ’ said Fenella , who did not really want Caspar to ride off and leave her alone out here , but who was not going to get so close to Nuadu and then ride away and leave him .
2 This drew the comment from Bertrand Russell that both East and West did not really want disarmament .
3 ‘ The figures show that people do not really watch television to be informed , they watch it to relax , ’ said David Graham , whose research company compiled the top 100 .
4 Example 2 does not really make sense ( although it is possible to think of situations where this might occur ) , but example 4 does .
5 This means that although realizations of these overlap and are sometimes identical , it does not really make sense to say that this is a merger in the language system in BV ( of course , it may be in other dialects ) .
6 This distinction may be justified from a limited epistemological standpoint , it might be said , but it does not really make sense in physical terms .
7 Our black-and-white picture does not really do justice to its chameleon-like metallic paintwork , which seems to appear as green , silver or blue according to the light .
8 Many think that in spite of strenuous efforts by Mill , utilitarianism can not really do justice to the concept of justice .
9 The leap from competence scores ( which do not really measure competence , but only use ) to " acquisitional hierarchy " — in the meantime having identified speakers of Patois as second language learners — seems unjustified .
10 Frustration is important in mathematics , for you can not really experience release , that beautiful sense of things falling into place , if you have not previously been confused , feeling that things were out of place .
11 A journalist , for example , or a first aid attendant , or a person acting as an ‘ observer ’ for an organisation such as the N.C.C.L. does not really take part in the event itself , although he may occasionally make the police task of keeping order more difficult .
12 It has been a matter of controversy whether the non-associative kinds of learning are really learning at all , and if so , whether they do not really take place by the same general mechanisms as associative learning .
13 Nicholas 's chances of losing a war were small , because although his outlook was militaristic , he did not really like fighting .
14 Here the two sentences are linked because they follow the grammatical pattern , definite article + proper noun + copula + complement , a link whose purely formal nature is revealed by the fact that it does not really survive translation into English , where the definite articles are not needed and an indefinite one is .
15 I confess I can not really see worm watching catching on as a mass pursuit with worm watcher clubs and organised field visits , but I did hear of an infants ' school where the worm has joined the tadpole as a creature for study .
16 We can not really discuss problem solving without an example , so I am going to discuss a rather large problem , namely Rubik 's cube .
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