Example sentences of "not really [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We , of course , went outside to see if we could see anything , not really expecting to ; there was nothing to suggest the passage of a train , just the cool night air and the distant sound of night life , nothing to prove or disprove the eerie sounds we had heard so clearly .
2 ‘ That must have cost a pretty penny , ’ Mickey Aronson declared , not really expecting to be told the price .
3 I shall not really want to .
4 They did not really want to be mutineers , but they were afraid of Tom Smith .
5 But when you think of er It 's not really referring to the beauty of the world .
6 There is no stabilized figure corresponding to the later producer or director , who does not really appear in theatre until the late nineteenth century .
7 It seemed a strange request , and although I did not really feel like accepting , he politely insisted .
8 They hijack Englishness and do not really speak for most English people .
9 Yet this does not really speak to the conservatives ' point .
10 Godfrey Carey , for the prosecution , told the jury that the young woman had ‘ only taken a lift from someone in whose hands you could not really expect to be more safe — an officer in uniform ’ .
11 Marise said dismissively , not really looking at Belinda as she spoke .
12 I E you 're not really looking at a feudal economy in the south any more i it may be a much more heavily commercial capitalist economy and therefore the kind of land reform programme that you might incorporate from a feudal north might not be entirely relevant .
13 She was not really looking for an answer .
14 er not really looking for a revolution , just looking back to where you were before
15 This sort of experiment shows however that with materials of this character one can not really distinguish between practical strength and brittleness so that the introduction of weak internal surfaces can be regarded as raising the strength .
16 ‘ Constanza and I did not really talk about Michel .
17 C — Closed : The contents of the SPR have now been acted upon and the problem has either been fixed , or cleared for some other reason , for example the problem did not really exist at all , or there was a misunderstanding on the part of the originator .
18 C — Closed The contents of the SPR have now been acted upon and the problem has either been fixed , or cleared for some other reason , for example the problem did not really exist at all , or there was a misunderstanding on the part of the originator .
19 C — Closed — The contents of the SPR have now been acted upon and the problem has either been fixed , or cleared for some other reason , for example the problem did not really exist at all , or there was a misunderstanding on the part of the originator .
20 They were in neither half of the house , but in a space that did not really exist for Maggie , who never asked herself which half the house was whose , since the whole house was , for her , theirs .
21 ‘ We all need to feel safe , ’ he said , not really thinking about it , thinking about Emily .
22 He was not really thinking about Matthew Choak but about the dead man .
23 Cos you 're not really thinking about who it might be !
24 And yet Alice kept thinking that Pat , no matter how committed she sounded now , did not really stand by Bert .
25 She had once explained that slaughtering animals secretly and trading on the black market was simply bending the law a little and not really stealing at all , but real thieves were as bad as liars .
26 Conversely , we know that less effective managers have enormous difficulties in dealing with power because they are not really motivated by it .
27 McDunn nods slowly , slightly , a distant look in his eyes like he 's not really nodding at what I 've just told him ; has n't been listening to a word I 've said , in fact .
28 He had not really noticed before but the boy weighed almost nothing in his arms .
29 By rights they should now be quietly decomposing in Manchester , having tried out their experimental rhythm rock surrealism only to discover that self-analytical dance with guitars could not really compete with belching ego-Mancs who wanted to be adored or abhorred .
30 In truth the Sergeant was not really listening to the Lieutenant 's enthusiastic explanation ; instead he was partly anticipating the Belgian girls and partly worrying when this headlong advance would run into the enemy picquets .
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