Example sentences of "not just because they " in BNC.

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1 I believe in low taxes not just because they ignite enterprise — the spark of economic growth — but because they put power and choice where it belongs : in your hands .
2 And they 're especially evocative , not just because they 're detailed period pieces ( just look at those sideburns ) but because they so often recall the circumstances in which we first watched them .
3 Animals have to be cared for because they are important in the world , not just because they are being driven to extinction .
4 A great deal of publicity has been given to CFCs , not just because they are destroying the stratospheric ozone layer but because many are extremely powerful heat trappers as well .
5 In general , as we shall discuss later , data should be collected because they are relevant — not just because they are interesting .
6 A Tory friend of mine who has been trying to write nice things about the Conservative campaign has been tearing his hair out in desperation , not just because they are doing so badly — but because they deserve to .
7 The point of introducing these ideas here is to draw attention to the radical analysis which suggests that management may use rules and procedures , and other more complex organisational arrangements such as product groups or even matrix organisational structures , not just because they may be a more efficient means of co-ordination but because they are necessary if capital is to control recalcitrant labour .
8 ‘ such offences ‘ are the most threatening of all — not just because they are so expensive , but because of their corrosive effect on the moral standards by which American business is conducted ’ .
9 At first , customers kept their mouths shut not just because they signed nondisclosure agreements , but because they figured it was in their interest to do so .
10 Tigers were declared vermin in China in the 1950s , and were slaughtered in droves not just because they were dangerous but also because they were valuable .
11 The practices associated with harassment are so jealously guarded , not just because they articulate a culture of institutionalized racism within the force , but because they form part of a system ‘ workers ’ control' against the encroachment of line management .
12 The figures on schooling and educational background are particularly revealing , not just because they disclose that roughly 90 per cent of the country 's judges received a public school education , or that over three quarters had attended either Oxford or Cambridge universities , but because they also confirm that this social profile has remained virtually unaltered over the last four decades or more .
13 Many of the projects arose not just because they seemed to be suitable topics for academic research , but at the direct instigation of teachers or sometimes students .
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