Example sentences of "'s [noun] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 I always really wanted one but the trouble was they were 70 quid a pop , which I certainly could n't afford on a Saturday lad 's money — even the Saturday lad 's money that Malcolm paid .
2 Then Waddell 's alibi , Donald Carmichael , who had said at Meehan 's trial that Waddell had been staying with him on the night of the murder , now admitted this was a lie .
3 In February 1988 , says WG , Mr Carr told WG 's board that Alkar 's sales for the year to January had been £10.4m with a profit of £2.7m .
4 Now at this stage er it is the plaintiff 's case that Mr er considered that this caused major financial problems , because the property at Frinton was simply not one that was open to him to offer as security , it was clear that the bank would now as he saw it , on the deal that he understood that he 'd struck and he knew that without the bank 's help he would not be able to er proceed with this purchase and operate he business in the way he had wished to .
5 I would not , therefore , expect theism to have to rest its case on the sort of argument for God 's existence that Anselm advanced in the eleventh century and which has come to be known as the ‘ Ontological Argument ’ .
6 The CPSU central committee 's decision that Gorbachev should visit Lithuania was taken at a plenum on Dec. 25-26 , held to discuss the CPL independence declaration .
7 The Divisional Court dismissed a general medical practitioner 's application for judicial review of the Health Secretary 's decision that Coventry Family Practitioners ' Committee acted within its powers and duties in imposing a condition on the doctor 's use of the BMA/Air Call Deputising Service .
8 The second , referred to obscurely in Helen 's last letter from Margate , was Mr Thomas 's decision that Edward should not take up a Civil Service post , but instead prepare himself for an Oxford entrance scholarship .
9 The public library has lost its soul because it has been absorbed into the modern semi-literate culture and because it did not have the knowledge and experience gained across generations that the old private libraries had to enable them to cope with the world of mass circulation popular fiction , for example , rather than the People 's University that Hoggart remembers from his youth in the Hunslet district of Leeds .
10 Darlington Tory association chairman Bill Smith said in Saturday 's story that Fallon could have the constituency nomination so long as he wanted it .
11 The General 's hope that France could play a major international role was undermined by the country 's economic and military weakness .
12 And the god , speaking in his high falsetto voice through the medium of the dhāmi , said without a moment 's hesitation that Kalchu 's bull 's time had come , and there was nothing any of us could do to save it now .
13 A mirthless chuckle was Cornelius 's admission that Harry had displayed more subtlety than expected .
14 Because someone told Tony 's mum that Tony would be married twice and the second marriage would be very happy .
15 I was chided for implying in last month 's notes that Somerset looked rather a better bet than Gloucestershire .
16 Since it was essential to Bismarck 's plans that France should appear as an aggressive power , threatening Prussia in particular and the peace of Europe in general , the situation was not developing as he had hoped .
17 He echoed Home Secretary Michael Howard 's views that Britain needs a stricter prison regime to deal with an epidemic of crime .
18 It broke Perdita 's heart that Ricky , who 'd only been out of top-class polo for three years , was totally ignored .
19 Indonesia 's trade and economic relations with Taiwan were to be unaffected by the resumption of ties , although the memorandum noted China 's appreciation that Indonesia had " consistently " recognized the administration of the People 's Republic as the sole government of China , of which Taiwan was an integral part .
20 First , that it is evidently the testator 's intention that Titius should obtain a hundred .
21 Scaevola replies that it appears to have been the testator 's intention that Seius should be released by the trust from all his obligations .
22 It crossed Rain 's mind that Eliot might have planned all along that Harbury should help but that Shildon had proposed her instead .
23 If it were now fixed in Kenamun 's mind that Surere was the killer , another murder would be all that would save Merymose 's neck .
24 She seemed to have taken to the Foundling child the moment she set eyes on her , and there was no doubt in Betty 's mind that Corrie was the sole reason for her being offered the work .
25 It never crosses Hoving 's mind that Ingres is an artist by whom it is impossible to own too many works — nor , for that matter , that the ‘ uninspired portrait of the Marechal Count Gerard , which to me summed up the pomposity of Bonaparte 's court ’ ( one of the Ingres mentioned in Hoving 's list ) is in fact a fine , signed and dated , late work by Jacques-Louis David !
26 It had not crossed Flora 's mind that St Saviour 's might need payment for teaching her , only that her place there depended upon her ability to have the right uniform , all the uniform , down to the last sock garter and science overall .
27 Of much greater importance was Philip 's support for David II of Scotland and Edward 's fear that Philip might launch an invasion of England on behalf of his Scottish ally .
28 Boell 's words that Collobm quotes came back to me again : we were on ‘ a jetty battered by warm waves of light ’ — and moving slowly up to meet the day .
29 Pound here anticipates , and paints in a blacker hue , Edmund Wilson 's recognition that Eliot is ‘ a poet of the American Puritan temperament ’ , and Pound claims to be tarred with the same brush himself .
30 What do you think of Karl Ludvigsen 's prediction that Fiat will buy Chrysler in the next decade ?
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