Example sentences of "'s [noun] [conj] on " in BNC.

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1 However , the Yugoslav Presidency and the Federal Assembly condemned the EC 's proposals and on Dec. 27 the Presidency requested the UN to take control of the peace process .
2 Courses for multilingual groups ( eg for teaching English in the UK , Australia or the USA ) rely more on the author 's experience and on the collective experience of his colleagues .
3 Responses have been made to English Heritage on the management of England 's heritage and on changes to its role in Greater London .
4 Retrieval of documents on a search topic , by using terms for a broader or narrower concept , relies heavily both on the searcher 's ingenuity and on any additional relationships that the database indexer might have added to link the natural language index terms .
5 The latter airlifted $2.2 billion worth of weaponry to prevent Israel 's defeat but on condition that it did not press home a counter-attack .
6 It crossed Harry 's mind that on the kind of salary he received — even if he was lucky enough to be paid as well by an English employer as he was by Wendell Harvey — Madeleine would not be able to afford designer dresses , or any other of those expensive luxuries she took for granted .
7 I should have known that Jean-Claude would wish to return to Paris a few days prior to the anniversary of Montaine 's death , a date embossed not only on his and Mme Guérigny 's mind but on my own .
8 All this has a snowball effect on the day 's turnover and on the individual dealers ' commissions .
9 The answer is in RSC Ord 65 , r4 , under which the court can , on an ordinary application for substituted service with the usual evidence of attempts , make an order for substituted service on the defendant 's insurers or on the Motor Insurers ' Bureau .
10 Every invisible spirit is either on God 's side or on Satan 's side .
11 A wyvern without a rider can be employed either to launch an early attack on your enemy 's artillery or on a powerful character .
12 However , Bland 's nightmare vision had a powerful effect on the government 's thinking and on public opinion .
13 In the eyes of the employing local authority the position of the head as leader-cum-manager depends on how much he or she can manage without the authority 's assistance and on how correct his or her activities are in terms of fitting into national and local patterns of responsibility .
14 That is why the abolition of the 1908 Act was sprung on us , on British Coal 's management and on the work force .
15 It was Timmy 's shoes and on , on the thing it 's got , items so and so out of stock
16 The discontent voiced by reviewers appears to focus on the implausibility of the novel 's plot and on the incongruity of the unsettling elements in it .
17 He was master mason to the prior and chapter of Canterbury by 1496 , but was also active in Cambridge , where he worked at King 's Hall and on Great St Mary 's church .
18 She could see blood on Jack 's cheek and on his arm above the gloves .
19 Hence , whether a child is placed with a foster family or in residential care may not so much depend on the child 's needs but on where he or she happens to live .
20 But it may be that even where there is evidence that the patient was mentally unfit or too young , the doctor would still avoid liability , not so much on the basis of the patient 's refusal as on the proposition of Elliott that further treatment was useless , or that of Williams that life had become a burden to the patient .
21 The emphasis on God 's revelation and on the faith that apprehends it raised the further question of what theology itself can speak about directly — the revelation , or merely faith 's apprehension of it ?
22 Even with that level of scrutiny , there could be little hope of containing fraud , which is already a serious drain on the EC 's coffers and on its reputation .
23 Could she not sustain the momentum , not just on tradesmen 's credit but on borrowed money ?
24 Mr Justice Connell 's inquiry , set up by the Jockey Club , refused to accept Mr Evans 's evidence that on both occasions he waved his flag to signal to the riders that the race had been stopped .
25 But when we say ‘ presuppositions ’ , the stress is not on truth 's content but on truth being counted on .
26 The jury at the Wrexham inquest yesterday on Lance Corporal Wayne Edwards , 26 , returned a unanimous verdict that he was unlawfully killed in an area of Gornji Vakuf nicknamed Sniper 's Alley while on attachment to the Cheshire Regiment .
27 The jury at an inquest in Wrexham yesterday into L/Cpl Wayne Edwards ' death returned a unanimous verdict that he was unlawfully killed in an area of Gornji Vakuf nicknamed Sniper 's Alley while on attachment to the Cheshire Regiment .
28 It relied heavily on Baldwin 's leadership and on the success over the years in persuading the new democracy not to be seduced by socialist abstractions , trade union militancy or Liberal demagogy , but to accept Conservative values as the guarantee of liberty and secure social improvement .
29 Many women still marry for economic reasons , able to live better on their husband 's earnings than on their own .
30 Although normal subaerial erosion may act with greater power on some parts of the earth 's surface than on others , an obvious example being found in the contrast between rates of denudation in river valleys and on plateau surfaces , the general result of such erosion is an overall reduction of the surface .
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