Example sentences of "'s [noun] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 Since 1979 , the Government has taken three measures to lower the replacement ratio — that is , to increase the gap between a person 's income when in work compared with when he or she is drawing the dole .
2 Since then , training has become an increasingly important part of CEPRA 's activities and in 1986 it joined forces with the Association of Native Language Communicators to set up a three-year communication diploma course for native language speakers .
3 But in a two-hour interview with reporters of the Scottish Daily Record he listed some fifteen details of the layout of the Ross bungalow and what was in it , information not mentioned at Meehan 's trial or in the newspapers , and which he could only have known if he had been there , all of which Mr Ross confirmed ( ‘ Colour of bedroom quilts was pink ’ , ‘ A light tan suit was in the bedroom wardrobe ’ , ‘ An alarm clock with black face and luminous hands stood in the hatchway to the kitchen ’ , etc . ) .
4 Early in 1971 Waddell was found guilty of committing perjury at Meehan 's trial and in sentencing him to three years ' imprisonment Lord Cameron suggested that had he told the truth there , the Meehan jury might well have arrived at a different verdict .
5 I had a bad time at the hands of male journalists during Julian 's trial and in the period leading up to it : some residual paranoia sticks .
6 In the first picture he catches John Snow off Daniel 's bowling and in the second he celebrates as Murray catches Alan Ward off Holding .
7 All local winners will receive a Chief Executive Officer 's award and in February 1992 will attend a ceremony hosted by Ralph Hodge .
8 erm , I read a book this summer er by Kurt Vonnegut called Cat 's Cradle and in the book erm there 's this , there 's this er country and the country has outlawed this certain religion
9 Samways made a vital interception to snatch the ball off Taylor 's foot and in the 71st minute Thomas hammered the ball inches wide from a Connolly pass cleverly dummied by substitute Steve Watkin .
10 Although the issue did not arise in Pickin 's case nor in other authorities cited above , it was there assumed that the only possible barriers to validity were the procedural ones there considered .
11 Miller respected Holland 's expertise and in the Dictionary stressed plant rarity with the qualification : ‘ there being very few in the Dutch gardens at present . ’
12 This pattern occurs in second- and third-century contexts both at Kate 's Cabin and in Normangate Field at the site 's extremities , and so probably began earlier within the defended area .
13 You ca n't cremate a body without a doctor 's certificate and in a case like this the coroner 's office would never allow it . ’
14 Of course this film was a condemnation of sweat-shop conditions , and of course it was a melodrama in which poor girls have affairs with the boss 's sons and in which the heroine brandishes a gun in order to make one son do the honourable thing but above all it was a vehicle for a star who had already become one of Hollywood 's hottest properties .
15 They kept the Order 's secrets and in dark covens met their helpers , probably in the sombre house on that Godforsaken island .
16 His feet , shod in the long black leather boots of China 's Ming rulers , rested in the embrace of two reclining golden dogs carved in the throne 's base and in his hands he held an ivory wand bearing a tiny mirror , which , Tran Van Hieu had explained , he used to shield his face and demonstrate his symbolic humility before the spirits of his ancestors .
17 It must be appended to the document either by the signer or by some person acting at the signer 's direction and in the signer 's presence .
18 What is there to say er what 's not been said already yesterday , today , last year 's meetings and in the last ten years .
19 The breach with the inherited system lay not in Godoy 's policies but in the relegation to impotence of the trained bureaucrats who had been the servants of Charles III ; it lay in the scandalous origins and untrammelled nature of his power as the queen 's supposed lover and the ‘ dearest friend ’ of the complaisant Charles IV .
20 This increased the dislike felt by the Prince for the Empress , a dislike which envenomed personal and also political relationships , for Prince Napoleon seemed henceforth to take a delight in publicly opposing the Emperor 's policies and in quarrelling with the Empress .
21 After such a blow to belief in the government 's honesty and in its all-seeing ability to fix things , the leap to anti-communist opposition was all the easier to make .
22 The budgetary procedures and the administration of the buildings will also be unified , although the Direction and the Réunion will maintain their roles in shaping the museum 's budget and in acquisitions .
23 She first confirmed Watson 's hypothesis that in the tobacco mosaic virus small protein sub-units were arranged in a helical fashion .
24 The A sixty four south ma'am , I I have some sympathy with Mr with Mr 's views that in fact , the A sixty four is an e area where the landscape quality 's not high .
25 This may mean setting up materials for children to investigate , setting up discussions between children to explore each other 's views and in some cases referring children to secondary sources to compare their beliefs with the information provided there .
26 It might have been assumed that the corollary was that the prosecution did not have to prove that the accused assumed the rights of the owner contrary to the owner 's wishes but in Morris it was held that a person appropriated only if he adversely interfered with or usurped the rights of the owner .
27 These two names reflect the political evolution of the parliamentary group led by Alexander Rutskoi , Communists for Democracy , at the Congress of People 's Deputies and in the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Republic .
28 As amended , Article 6 of the Constitution , which previously had enshrined the Communist Party as the " leading and guiding force in Soviet society and the nucleus of its political system " , now read : " The Communist Party of the Soviet Union , other political parties , trade unions , youth and other social organizations and mass movements participate in the formulation of the policy of the Soviet state and in the administration of state and social affairs through their representatives elected to the soviets of people 's deputies and in other ways . "
29 It was a beauty more apparent to him in man 's defeat than in his triumph .
30 The growing threat of fascism after Hitler 's accession to power in Germany in 1933 was to transform perceptions of the Soviet state not simply in Nizan 's mind but in the minds of a whole generation of left-wing intellectuals .
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