Example sentences of "not for their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At a very early age the Spencer children had impressed upon them the value of good manners , honesty and accepting people for what they are , not for their position in life .
2 The unskilled or raw immigrants from the countryside were proud of their strength , and came from an environment where hard labour was the criterion of a person 's worth and wives were chosen not for their looks but for their work-potential .
3 It is in any case certain that for years before Homage to Sextus Propertius Pound had been studying , not for their content chiefly but as models of musical form , the poems in quantitative metre of ancient Greece .
4 If Waugh and Orwell did not exactly despise the complexities of Modernism , Joyce-style or Eliot-style , at least they recognised , and early , that such complexities were not for their times and not for them .
5 Here is the quintessence of Rough Trade , personified by toothless Scottish ex-merchant seamen , clearly chosen not for their specialist knowledge of haute cuisine , but simply because of their sure-footedness on floors that list alternately from port to starboard .
6 The National Health Insurance Act of 1911 provided access to a general practitioner for all insured workers , male and female , but not for their dependants , who were mainly women and children .
7 They are put to work for their hands , not for their minds or imaginations .
8 It was one of the tragedies of the Second Empire that Napoleon III and Eugénie who were fond , perhaps over-fond , parents whose joy lay in their child , should be remembered not for their family virtues but for their public ‘ vices ’ — real or supposed .
9 Not only does the 24-hour delivery time achieved week in week out put most publishers to shame , but if it were not for their buyers ' notes and regular representative visits , we as a small bookshop all too often ignored by publishers — The Bookseller apart , whose efforts are also appreciated — would not be made aware of new titles and promotions .
10 Commodities are purchased not for their use values but as signs and symbols to emphasise personal and social distinctiveness .
11 ’ I 'm using them because we work so well together not for their names .
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