Example sentences of "not [ex0] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Once these papers are to hand there can be a proper consideration of whether or not there are good grounds for extending legal aid to cover the arguing of an appeal .
2 This does not , of course , have any bearing upon whether or not there are such laws of social life to discover or imply that the survey method ought to be abandoned .
3 I would also stress the absolute undesirability of the court making an order which may have the effect of compelling a doctor or health authority to make available scarce resources ( both human and material ) to a particular child , without knowing whether or not there are other patients to whom those resources might more advantageously be devoted .
4 Arrangements for children , money and property are quite separate issues from whether or not there are legal grounds for divorce or separation :
5 Since those cases were decided there have been many scientific advances and it would seem that chances of establishing whether or not there are causal relationships between the act alleged to be negligent and the damage alleged to have been suffered as a consequence are better now than formerly .
6 Once the ferret has released its hold on the rabbit you have still to determine whether or not there are more rabbits down the hole .
7 We assume that at some critical r-value , r* , there is a homoclinic orbit like that shown in Fig. 6.1a , and consider , for r-values close to r* , whether or not there are any trajectories which remain forever within the regions B U 5 U T. Providing that we choose B , 5 and T to be small enough , with r close enough to r* , and that we are only concerned with the topology of trajectories , it is permissible to regard the flow within B as linear , and to think of the map which takes points in the discs D and D " to points in the discs E and E " as a linear transformation .
8 The parties must come to decisions about whether or not there are any VAT implications in the transaction and proceed accordingly .
9 Offering a home to an elderly parent — or more particularly , not offering a home — can be a very different kind of decision , according to whether or not there are acceptable alternatives readily available .
10 Where parking is off-street the streets seem relatively safe , but where it is not there are obvious dangers .
11 If not there are some drinks at the back and you can ask us any questions informally .
12 But whether you use a computer or not there are three principles to remember at all times : a ) Keep your filing up to date .
13 The research aims to ascertain whether or not there is general satisfaction with existing legal forms among small businesses , and whether there are any aspects of the regulations which give particular rise to concern .
14 Indeed , at the extreme , it could be argued that whether or not there is explicit communication is irrelevant : what matters is whether a collusive agreement , however arrived at , can be sustained by the self-interest of the parties involved .
15 Whether or not there is such an aesthetic , there are certainly concerns and issues that unite the new generation of women artists : a new symbolism of the body is one such issue which comes across in several articles in this issue of Women 's Art Magazine .
16 … if the approach is through the intellect rather than through intuition , that is , through a tangible and examinable process of understanding and thinking , rather than through an imaginative and emotional and therefore intangible process of relishing and enjoying , irrespective of whether or not there is full understanding ( p. 8 ) .
17 In the longer term they require more general financial information in order to assess whether or not there is likely to be an increase or decrease in requirement for the goods or services they supply .
18 You must be wondering whether or not there is any point in continuing to battle for compensation or a just settlement .
19 It follows that the parties ' legal advisors will require to study Hansard in practically every such case to see whether or not there is any help to be gained from it .
20 Enquiries should be made to ascertain whether or not there is any other insurance in force .
21 ( See Precedent 3. ) ( b ) Registered land In the case of registered land ( whether freehold or leasehold ) the wording of r76 of the Land Registration Rules 1925 ( SR & O 1925 No 1093 ) suggests that if the husband is expressed to convey as " beneficial owner " ( whether or not there is any consideration ) these covenants for title will be implied .
22 There is no direct precedent in the second , so he thinks himself free to decide as he thinks best , on a fresh slate , whether or not there is any difference in principle between the two cases .
23 The leader is in good health and , in Maginnis 's opinion , should stay to see through the current phase — at least until the Government agrees to a select committee for Northern Ireland , whether or not there is any devolution .
24 Mr Viva may then look at Constantin 's deformed hands and feet to see whether or not there is any chance of improving the boy 's grip .
25 At the same time , the atheist is perfectly entitled to claim that whether or not there is some special difficulty involved in defining ‘ God ’ , anyone who uses the word must be clear about what he or she is saying .
26 I HAVE been reading in the News about whether or not there is some justification for today 's young men being a bit too pushy towards girls .
27 However , where a given circumstance provided for in section 2 exists , this will not of itself affirmatively establish that a partnership exists ; it is a matter of fact in each case whether or not there is sufficient evidence to support a presumption of the existence of a partnership .
28 It is necessary to find out as precisely as possible how often it was committed , whether or not there were regional variations in its frequency , and if there were changes over time .
29 as to whether or not there were any
30 However , the calculations required to find out whether or not there were any infinities left uncanceled were so long and difficult that no one was prepared to undertake them .
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