Example sentences of "not [be] seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The king must not be seen without his clothes .
2 Obviously , pollen grains are very small plant remains , and can not be seen without the aid of a microscope ; but larger remains ( macroscopic plant remains ) , such as seeds and grains , leaves , twigs , wood and charcoal also provide evidence about the vegetation that existed around a site , and can show if and how it was exploited by the people living there .
3 There 's a littleness about it all : again it must not be seen as mere chance that we encounter Swift 's Lilliput on the first page of the novel .
4 This should not be seen as a deterrent .
5 Every good game defines the parameters of what may or may not be seen as a legitimate action .
6 Those opposed to the ordination of women to the priesthood maintain that it can not be seen as a legitimate development because it is ‘ closely related to the central doctrines of the Christian faith ’ .
7 This will not be seen as a sign of weakness but a real sign of strength .
8 However , it can not be seen as a new problem area .
9 However , perhaps this increase should not be seen as the emergence of local politics , but should more properly be viewed as their re-emergence .
10 Bertram argues that game theory and kin selection should not be seen as alternative explanations ( Nature , vol 302 , p 356 ) .
11 But this should not be seen as a criticism ; the role and scope of audit is somewhat narrowly defined in law , and any change is almost bound to have legal ramifications .
12 Instead , this increasingly popular element of dominant ideology should not be seen as an expression of social concern for the well-being of older people , but examined for its wider social purpose .
13 The American writer Leslie Farber has a great deal to say about ‘ the life of suicide ’ , which he insists , ‘ must not be seen as the situation or state of mind which leads to the act , but that situation in which the act-as-possibility , quite apart from whether it eventually occurs or not , has a life of its own . ’
14 Anthropological analysis need not be seen as the attempt to discover the truth about primitive societies , but instead as the attempt to ‘ translate ’ ( or transform ) the utterances from one discursive context to another .
15 This should not be seen as an attack on a balding old Pole but on the institution he leads — ie the hierarchy of the Catholic Church , whose attitudes towards gays , women and other oppressed groups belong in the dustbin of history as do those of most religious hierarchies .
16 The Chairman of the Chambre Nationale , Yannick Guilloux , said the charges brought against Britain must not be seen as the stand of one European country against another but a bid to harmonise tax regulation , at as low a rate as possible , in order to protect the art market within the EC as a whole .
17 This can also be shown to be true in BSL , indicating that surface features of languages may be used in different ways to express conceptual material but that these differences should not be seen as deficits .
18 Furthermore , these circumstances are said to be essentially heterogeneous , so that they can not be seen as aspects of one large contradiction ; each is a contradiction within a particular social totality .
19 These phases of group problem-solving should not be seen as a model to follow but as an analysis of what tends to happen .
20 The concentration of power in the hands of the managers of the largest companies could not be seen as a necessary bulwark against the power of the state .
21 On the other hand , remedial discretion should not be seen as a substitute for defining the grounds of judicial review more carefully and narrowly .
22 She argues that autonomy should not be seen as a psychological capacity , but as a social one , depending on public acknowledgement , and that this acknowledgement arises from the recognition of responsibility rather than of rationality .
23 Pleasure and pain can not be seen as a lowering of tension and a heightening of tension respectively ; there can be a pleasurable heightening of tension , as in sexual activity ( a new admission compared with the position Freud took in Beyond the Pleasure Principle ) and a painful lowering of tensions .
24 In England , obtaining extracts of public records would not be seen as a judicial act , and the phrase ‘ other judicial acts ’ seems to remain a source of puzzlement .
25 All this suggests that the institutions of more stable family patterns should not be seen as evidence of the success of an effort at ‘ social control ’ .
26 Domestic life can not be seen as a balanced and equal relationship between men and women .
27 These features make the life of reconstituted families very complex ; they can not be seen as enclosed entities in the same way as cereal-packet nuclear families are .
28 Each of these has changed substantially in the post-war period , but the central argument of this chapter is that such changes can not be seen as the result only of changes within the UK .
29 According to this version , the turn towards services — the shift in the balance of employment from manufacturing to services — is the direction in which all the major industrial economies are moving and in itself need not be seen as a problem .
30 Second , just as the onset of disability can not be seen as a one-off life event , neither can the intervening impact of ageing be considered as a self-contained life event , or even a series of discrete life events .
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