Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Disagreements in the church about the point at which one could not compromise left a legacy of schisms in the Nile valley and in North Africa , where the rancour of the Donatist schism persisted until the Muslim invasions swept them away four centuries later .
2 The 14 respondents ( 46% ) who could not decide included the 10 informants who said they sometimes read SF .
3 Had we not spent even more money on the BAIE Awards this year by advertising on the inside front cover of the magazine , we would not have received a single name check for 15 awards during the whole evening and in all the attendant publicity .
4 Lord Hope said in the case of the first witness that his additional evidence would not have led the jury to reject the evidence of Thomas Leighton , who had corroborated the boy 's account of the attack .
5 ‘ A few moments later and he would not have stood a chance . ’
6 Now had I known about this it the time , of course he would not have stood a chance of getting into the RAF .
7 In Tait , where Lord Clyde considered that the clerk should not have rejected the late application , his Lordship ordered the board to hold a meeting to consider the application under s.31(2) .
8 Surely , if there really were a knowable pre-life creator , such would have long since become truly known to humanity , and would not have remained a subject of speculation after many thousands of years .
9 There was a slight seasonal effect of gradually declining response to models , but this could not have biased the results because the response to crest accentuation went in the opposite direction , increasing significantly between early ( small crests ) presentations and the first accentuated crest presentations .
10 They would not have blurred the distinction between the Union and the Community .
11 The population of Easter Island could not have exceeded a few thousand , so a sizeable proportion of the men must have been employed at the quarry , carving likenesses of their deceased relatives .
12 Turnips and clover , for example , may not have been really widely used until the nineteenth century , and the diffusion of knowledge across the countryside may not have exceeded a mile a year from the points of origin ( Deane 1979 ) .
13 The Jeffreys in fact would not have understood an Elim movement that was not planting churches .
14 At least one member of the jury said he would not have given a sentence of death ( which must be unanimous ) had he known that Prejean had suffered prolonged mental and physical abuse from his guardians .
15 If the patient has been misled or misinformed he may not have given a genuine consent or refusal .
16 Lost in the malai chain of command , shuffled round from captor to captor , I would not have given a great deal for my chances .
17 In Britain , such a vote would not have given the fascists power .
18 A penalty try would not have given the World Cup to England in itself as they still had to score again .
19 ‘ The wind was fresh at the time but should not have given the trawler any problems , ’ Mr Ellis said .
20 He felt that Woolley had no right to be so contemptuous , so damaging ; Killion alone could not have stopped a bombing raid ; besides , had n't he just destroyed two , maybe three of the enemy ?
21 But 12-year-old girls would certainly not have possessed the physical strength for such a form of attack , and although the rubric of ‘ garotting ’ was used universally to encompass these crimes , most of the cases reported in the newspapers seemed to describe fairly straightforward street robberies — sometimes using a variety of coshes , knuckle-dusters , ‘ Indian claw ’ devices and other forms of life-preserver — or what we would now call ‘ muggings ’ .
22 The decision is justified on the grounds that there was no guarantee that the plaintiff would receive any of the fine and that Parliament could not have intended a workman to be deprived of the chance to seek compensation for his injuries .
23 What can be seen is that Parliament can not have intended an implied limitation along the lines of Ex parte Blain , 12 Ch.D. 522 .
24 And er I 've already referred to a byproduct of over-provision that sites are then moved on to sh car showrooms and erm supermarkets which are needs which or demands which would probably not have justified the allocation of the land for industry in the first place but once the land is allocated to industry it seems to be thought that no harm would be done by allocating those to something else .
25 Last year 's winner , Quinlan Terry , would not have beaten the second horse , the subsequent Group One race winner Ile De Chypre , had that rival not been drawn on the far side .
26 One lifeguard said , ‘ Ace may not have ridden the biggest wave , but he 's sure got the biggest mouth . ’
27 I could not have imagined a better companion .
28 Once she could not have imagined a greater disaster — all the garments she 'd been working on , with such dedication , day and night , for weeks on end now , had totally vanished , disappeared .
29 Sheila could not have desired a worse profession .
30 The lack of a licence in Barlow Clowes ' early years may or may not have made a difference to the way investors ' funds were handled during that time .
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