Example sentences of "not [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The DHA responded to the MIND critique , strongly refuting the charge of having no coherent strategy and of not seeing beyond the enabling schemes .
2 Silver Reed tell me the double knit ribber does have a yarn holder and this holds the yarns you are not using at the end of the needle bed , making changing by hand easier .
3 If the parent finds difficulty in not reacting to the child while in ‘ time out ’ on the chair , it may be better for the child to be placed in a safe separate room for the equivalent time .
4 It must be because I 'm not reacting to the socket like the receptionist would .
5 Mr Vass said his client had lashed out , in a fight outside a pub , not realising at the time that a bottle in his hand was broken .
6 The appeal committee 's decision is not binding on the LEA , but there is a further right of appeal to the Secretary of State who can confirm , amend or revoke the statement .
7 To say this , of course , does not mean that the consent is not binding on the agent .
8 In December 1947 , for example , when they had agreed a memorandum on Area Board organisation , Randall , the London Board chairman , insisted that it should be a purely advisory document not binding on the areas ; and some degree of variation in local organisation did in fact emerge .
9 The inspector 's report is not binding on the minister ; it is merely advisory .
10 This seems to contradict the NEC v Intel case although , being an American case , it is obviously not binding on the United Kingdom courts .
11 ( h ) Presenting another 's cheque : Wille , above , even though the bank had no mandate to honour the cheque , and Chan Man-sin v R , above , where the cheques were not binding on the company .
12 Another variation is to impose on the seller the obligation to accept all orders placed in accordance with the buyer 's forecast , even though that forecast is not binding on the buyer .
13 Unless otherwise agreed , the findings of the expert(s) are not binding on the parties : they may be recommendations for the future performance of the contract .
14 They are not binding on the judges , but they have a persuasive authority where judicial choice is possible .
15 It is not binding on the courts , although it remains a treaty obligation for the Government to ensure that the law conforms with it .
16 If , as HM Inspectorate argue , the recommendations they make are not binding upon the LEA then this may represent an acceptable blend of central and local control .
17 From the planet 's surface you might think there is an eastward force , but there is n't , and if you were not rotating with the planet then this would be obvious .
18 Ex-hacker Stephen Gold says he remains ‘ astounded at the arrogance ’ of the Law Commission for not drawing on the experience of others .
19 Many slimmers make this an excuse for not sticking to the diet , but I find it much easier being away from the kitchen and the kettle !
20 When I went to what was in effect not merely the memorial of the fifty aft after fifty two years of the people , but of course really the funeral service of the pit and when I went to that here was the chance to dedicate that also , we did it actually at the Memorial Garden where all the pit people are buried and that is right you see , picking up out of the past not sticking in the past , and arranging it as you might say as in that banner to move on into the future .
21 and I thought he can put that on something so that 's not resting on the floor as well , cos that 's where the wet 's on the
22 But she was not resting in the hollow , she was floating in it .
23 You 're not hanging round the hall .
24 Because of their different activity time clock , the owls are not competing with the hawks for the same food animals at the same time and can therefore co-exist .
25 The retention may also be used as a means of securing a vendor 's future obligations under the sale agreement or ancillary document such as not competing with the business or continuing to provide stocks and materials to the business .
26 Equally , seven Yorkshire clubs will line up in the 1992–93 Pilkington Cup competition , two as Yorkshire qualifiers , three as National Division Three qualifiers and two as National Division Two qualifiers not competing in the Yorkshire Cup .
27 Between October and December when they were not competing in the Hamble Winter Series or jockeying against other IOR racers , the team was out everyday , practising manoeuvres aboard Oracle Arrow on a windward-leeward course at the mouth of the Hamble .
28 Noticing that her hands are shaking and knowing that he has noticed she forces herself to act cool , not daring for the moment to analyse her disquiet lest she is incapable of handling the reason .
29 we 're not eating in the back room , he can get stuffed , we 'll eat in the posh end for a change Jul , like we did last time
30 Well you can start by not depending on the structure er er the structure of which Susan 's speaking
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