Example sentences of "not [adv] [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 A default judgment must , however , not be recognised if the defendant was not duly served with the document which instituted the proceedings or with an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence .
2 You ask how they know and they give you a vague description about the pelvis , etc. etc. , and you go away not altogether satisfied with the explanations .
3 Symptoms were compared with those before treatment and were scored as follows : ( 0 ) no symptoms ; ( 1 ) major symptoms cured , patient pleased with result of treatment ; ( 2 ) some improvement , patient not wholly satisfied with result of treatment ; ( 3 ) no change in symptoms .
4 While a supervision order is in force the supervisor has a duty to : ( i ) advise , assist and befriend the supervised child ; ( ii ) take such steps as are reasonably necessary to give effect to the order ; ( iii ) consider whether or not to apply for discharge or variation where the order is not wholly complied with or may no longer be necessary ( s35(1) ) .
5 Limbs were often not properly joined with bodies and the long necks and rigidity of attitudes recall the shapes of the clay idols of the period .
6 Other issues were that the potential of the day hospital was not being fully exploited and that the mental health centres were evidently not properly integrated with the general hospital unit .
7 You may feel depressed when your work is returned to you , feel a failure , but magazine editors reject work for lots of different reasons not all connected with the quality of the work .
8 At about the same time , in Saudi Arabia 's Eastern province , there was unrest among the Shiite minority , though not obviously connected with the Mecca incident .
9 By building the picture up slowly in this way , the patient is not suddenly confronted with demands for details before he has settled comfortably into the personality and environment of the person he once was .
10 This is consistent with the view that their struggle to stay awake is not necessarily punctuated with periods of somnolence , or microsleeps , but shows a compelling tendency to slip down the arousal continuum .
11 It 's not necessarily done with bad intentions , but unless there 's much greater flow in and out , then I fear we 're on a downward path .
12 These differing responses , the fundamental cause of most of the wars of history , were not necessarily taken with a knowledge of the effect that they would ultimately have , for at the relevant time the choice would not have been as clear to those making them , as it would be to minds educated to standards prevailing centuries later .
13 The test is less reliable in older cattle where high values are not necessarily correlated with large adult worm burdens but , instead , may reflect plasma leakage from a hypersensitive mucosa under heavy larval challenge .
14 Although not necessarily used with a database , it proves suitable in that environment and in Chapter 15 a case study is described of an application developed with a database .
15 Infection is therefore not necessarily associated with any symptoms and the majority of type I infections probably go undiagnosed and unrecognized .
16 Political upheaval and war are not necessarily associated with curriculum change ; and even when they are , change seems habitually to be followed by a reversion to the status quo ante , a tendency to equate change with relabelling , a reassertion of institutional inertia .
17 An alternative usage , which goes back at least to the seventeenth century , made " family " a widely dispersed group of relatives , loosely linked by ties of " blood " and affinity , but not necessarily associated with any one household .
18 Although this phenomenon has an immunological mechanism it is not necessarily associated with protection against reinfection since the larval challenge often develops to maturity .
19 In other words , a high permanent income is not necessarily associated with a high transitory income and a low permanent income is not necessarily associated with a low transitory income .
20 In other words , a high permanent income is not necessarily associated with a high transitory income and a low permanent income is not necessarily associated with a low transitory income .
21 For those whose grounds are not naturally endowed with these facilities , Paul Decker provides , in 1759 , ‘ Gothic Architecture Decorated , Consisting of a Large Collection of Temples , Banqueting , Summer and Green Houses ; Gazebo 's , Alcoves ; Faced , Garden and Umbrello 'd Seats ; Terminari 's , and Rustic Garden Seats ; Rout Houses , and Hermitages for Summer and Winter ; Obelisks , Pyramids , & c . ’ .
22 The trainer 's body postures , hand movements and words , whistles or calls are perfectly understood by creatures which are not naturally born with a mind set which includes such words as ‘ sit ’ and ‘ walkies ’ , or whistles and halloos !
23 A comprehensive galley , which includes a microwave oven , gives the operators standards of comfort not hitherto associated with lifeboats , and offers the prospect of ( Continued on page 92 ) survivors being given more than the traditional hot cup of tea !
24 This requires that the machine be placed on a surface such that the tray is not constantly collided with by passers by .
25 I own I am not personally acquainted with him .
26 To the extent that the technological success is not highly correlated with the returns on the market portfolio , the project is not so risky for a well-diversified shareholder .
27 A second dimension , to serve as the horizontal axis , is selected from the next highest scoring constructs provided that this is not highly correlated with the first choice .
28 Against critics who had accused him of choosing to write of the sea and lonely islands in order to have greater freedom for his imagination , he protested that his own youth had worn ‘ the sober hue of hard work and exacting calls of duty , things which in themselves are not much charged with a feeling of romance ’ and that if he had any ‘ romantic feeling of reality ’ it was disciplined by ‘ a recognition of the hard facts of existence shared with the rest of mankind ’ , a recognition which , he believed , tried to make the best of the hard truth and to discover in it ‘ a certain aspect of beauty ’ .
29 They have their world , not much compared with yours ,
30 Not much compared with a redundant commercial package wasting shelf space .
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