Example sentences of "not [adv] [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Cullam gave him a look of not altogether comfortable cunning .
2 It is ridiculous to be vindictive towards a fictional character but I must admit that contemplation of some of the available illnesses was a not altogether unpleasant preliminary to beginning this present work .
3 Third , because the sort of classroom conditions required for it to be effective are simply not widely enough available in most secondary schools ( and maybe some primary schools ) at the present time .
4 Yet again , looking at this urbane relaxed figure seated opposite me and comparing him with the romantic figures of Spender and others or with the scruffy Auden , I found it difficult to believe that he was a poet and not rather some worldly and successful company director .
5 Over his not entirely clean white collar you could see his Adam 's apple thumping .
6 Also many frail but not necessarily disabled elderly people feel the need to steady themselves by touching various pieces of furniture with one hand as they move around their homes , and for them , carrying a telephone and manoeuvring the flex from one room to another may have its hazards .
7 But to suggest that we should toss out the Garden of Eden story because it is not necessarily literal historical fact would be a dangerous precedent .
8 Unfortunately for the Left , however , these are not necessarily collective working class organisations .
9 Ten parts of South Africa ( not necessarily contiguous geographical entities but based on ethnic groupings ) have been designated by the government as " homelands " for Africans ; four of these have been declared independent sovereign states but are recognized only by South Africa and by each other ; the remainder are at various stages of " self-government " .
10 Ten parts of South Africa ( not necessarily contiguous geographical entities but based on ethnic groupings ) have been designated by the government as " homelands " for Africans ; four of these ( Bophuthatswana , Ciskei , Transkei and Venda ) have been declared independent sovereign states but are recognized only by South Africa and each other ; the remainder ( Gazankulu , KaNgwane , KwaNdbele , KwaZulu , Lebowa and Qwaqwa ) are at various stages of " self-government " .
11 There is not necessarily any overall plan for the development and maintenance of the schedules .
12 Nursing and midwifery have begun to develop the accoutrements of a profession , but this development has been impeded by the burgeoning of lay-managers in the NHS , who have considerable power , but not necessarily any professional expertise , and whose prime loyalty is to accountants and not to patients .
13 It could encompass all members of the double-reed family , from treble to bass ; in addition it was often used in a general sense , simply to indicate an ensemble of woodwind instruments , but not necessarily any specific ones .
14 Customs can make a direction to treat persons as a ‘ single taxable person ’ for VAT registration purposes if Customs ( not necessarily any other person ) are satisfied that :
15 It was crucial that Soviet leaders came to trust non-Marxist and not necessarily pro-Soviet Finnish political forces to abide by the military provisions of the 1948 Finnish-Soviet Friendship and Cooperation Treaty which met Soviet security needs in the direction of Finland comprehensively and permitted the expression of the Finnish brand of neutrality .
16 Not enough young young
17 Rimsky-Korsakov 's Capriccio Espagnol provides an opportunity for the LSO to display its glittering virtuosity in one of the great orchestral showpieces — although there 's not enough hot Spanish sun here for my taste — and they then round the disc off with Grieg 's Two Elegaic [ sic ] Melodies , which are well enough played , but add little to the overall attractiveness of the disc .
18 Pryde ( 1972 ) draws attention too , to the assumption of Marxian economics ( but not perhaps all Marxian economics ) that only labour produces value , and therefore that land , water and all associated resources are considered ‘ free ’ inputs in production .
19 In Czechoslovakia , where not much exotic hi fi is available , enthusiast Jin-Janda designed a cheaper alternative .
20 I remember black faced miners and not so black faced shipyard workers passing to and fro to the nearby yards or the ‘ G ’ pit at the end of the street .
21 I 'm not so sure British Bullboy would agree .
22 But the most notable addition is the inclusion of a full blown MS-DOS environment , not so that existing applications can run ( the device has n't got a keyboard ) , but so that developers can write new programs for it .
23 Romeo is a good choice , and there are many speeches to look over and consider , but think also about the not so familiar young lover Troilus ; Bassanio , Lorenzo and Graziano , from the Merchant of Venice all make good choices too .
24 The remains of stocks and the whipping post serve as uncomfortable reminders of the not so good old days .
25 Not so much butch as brave .
26 The great city — say at this period a settlement of more than 200,000 , including a scattering of metropolitan towns of more than half a million — was not so much industrial ( though it might contain a good many factories ) as a centre of commerce , transport , administration and the multiplicity of services which a large concentration of people attracts and which in turn swell their number .
27 Are these two ( or this one ) not so much capable of loving a baby , as of being worthy of a baby 's love ?
28 And what you tend to see happen is not so much joint intervention after eighteen er fifteen or eighteen eighteen .
29 It seemed to me he was not so much indifferent as hostile towards these poor men .
30 For neural nets and genetic algorithms , it is not so much fallible as crude .
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