Example sentences of "not [verb] her [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 And she had slept with Rufus in the Centaur Room , it being taken for granted she would share his bed , though Adam did not think her wishes had been consulted .
2 The final decision will only relate to where the girl lives and does not affect her parents ' other rights .
3 Had she not treated her subordinates with vindictiveness and meanness , Elena 's desire to cut a figure as ‘ a world-ranking scientist ’ would have a comical charm .
4 She wants an abortion and does not want her parents to know anything about it ’ — was no drawback .
5 At the same time Diana did not want her friends to see her in such a wretched , unhappy state .
6 ‘ I will check anything — see if boy is knowing too many girls or girl is watching too many Hindi films and not pursuing her studies , ’ replied Mr Aggarwal .
7 Sam did not answer her prayers because he was not near enough to hear them , having been set to work on the floor above , sweeping up .
8 Captain Burrows may have been the head of the household but Mrs Burrows was definitely the heart.Joyce used to have terrible nightmares about what would happen to " all the little children " if God did not answer her prayers to keep mother " safe and well and strong " .
9 All this time Miss A still had not completed her payments .
10 But her new sheets smelled of lavender and there was a comforting stone hot-water-bottle at the foot of the bed , wrapped up in part of an old blanket so that it would not bruise her toes , and Victoria 's gentle breathing was drowsy as the humming of bees , and she slept , with the tears drying on her cheeks .
11 In other circumstances she would have been more than willing to engage in this conversation herself , for it was one she had frequently enjoyed ; she liked Otto , she had always mildly fancied that he liked her , she was amused by the offhand continental gallantries with which he interspersed , absent-mindedly , the rigour of his argument ; but tonight she was tired , her eyes were closing , she had had four hours of party already , had not enjoyed the Hargreaves drama , had not enjoyed her talks with Ivan Warner and Teddy Lazenby , had been polite enough for long enough , and wanted to go home ; so stood at Brian 's elbow , dully , a reproachful wife , slightly annoyed that neither of them took much notice of her , as Otto invoked the name of Max Weber , a name which meant nothing to her at all , a name which excluded her , exhausted her , and provoked her into prodding , yet again , but this time successfully , Brian 's arm , and murmuring of baby-sitter Sharon , who was only sixteen .
12 ‘ I would not trust her promises . ’
13 She hardly ever went out of the house or garden , and did not discuss her feelings with anyone , even Liddy .
14 I do not know her plans . ’
15 Owing to Amal 's seclusion as a female , she could not identify her attackers by name , only that they were acquaintances of her brother .
16 She does not expect her readers to accept her own conclusions verbatim , but urges them to make a similar creative attempt to listen for the deeper implications of the Christian message , to reach through the dogmas and intellectual propositions , which can never do justice to the ineffable mystery of the divine , and touch the heart of the faith .
17 She told herself that if she did not look up she would not need to see it and after a while this not-looking would become habitual , but in the event she could not prevent her eyes from turning up to the campanile .
18 McAllister could not prevent her eyes from straying to his newspaper .
19 Astra says her methods do not fully exclude the possibility of normal DNA replication and can not repeat her results .
20 The six-day separation from William and Harry over the traditional family holiday was the first time Diana had not seen her sons wake up to the excitement of Christmas Day .
21 She has not seen her children for two years .
22 She does not base her decisions solely on the consensus of the group or the individual child 's desires , but also does not regard herself as infallible or divinely inspired .
23 Why did they not give her toys to play with ?
24 Grace Bird , who had the smallest part in the play , that of Maud Mockridge the lady novelist , had still not memorised her lines and read from the script .
25 She has her own instinct when she can not carry her colleagues with her .
26 Relating that to Labour 's ‘ unprecendented mass conversion ’ to moderation in Brighton last week , Mrs Thatcher said she did not believe her opponents now stood for home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude .
27 She was a baby , and , in any case , he could not believe her feelings went very deep .
28 She could not believe her eyes when she saw the Tillers being marched off in the crocodile line to the English Girls ' Club after rehearsals .
29 She had stood a moment , a long pause ; at first ( her suitcase , the littered money ) she could not believe her eyes .
30 Mademoiselle stared at the enormous thing as if she really could not believe her eyes , she gave a shriek even louder than Mary-Lou had given .
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