Example sentences of "not [verb] but have " in BNC.

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1 But the surprising interlude — the lava , pouring at the rate of a million tons a day since December from Europe 's highest and most active volcano , has not stopped but has simply stopped here — provided a rare example of nature doing the protecting .
2 ‘ God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life ’ ( John 3.16 ) .
3 That whosoever believeth in him , should not perish but have everlasting life .
4 I sit down and Bobby thrusts a gold-rimmed album into my arms , in which there are old photos of Gilly , Megan , Maggie and other people whom I do not know but have heard about .
5 Many said they had not slept but had spent the night moving around to keep warm .
6 The long-lived leaves are not patrolled but have an effective chemical defence .
7 John wrote these words : ‘ God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son , so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life . ’
8 He did NOT write these words : ‘ God loved the brainy people and attractive people in the world so much that he gave his only Son , so that anyone with 8 GCSEs , 3 A-Levels and loads of friends may not die but have eternal life ’ ! !
9 Pollitt points out that many managers do not agree but have not been disposed to make an issue over it so far .
10 I — I can not help but have become aware of the — the dissension at present raging between your … dependants . ’
11 In Varley v. Whipp ( 1900 Q.B. ) the contract was for the sale of a specified second-hand reaping machine which at the time of the contract the seller did not own but had still to acquire .
12 The next is Celebrant , the Silverlode which they can not ford but have to cross on ropes .
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