Example sentences of "this week that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Pik Botha , South Africa 's Foreign Minister , said on arrival in Abuja this week that Pretoria would seek OAU membership .
2 It was confirmed this week that Ulster stars David Humphreys , Gary Longwell and Innes Gray were all staying with the students next season , with Humphreys as captain .
3 Ministers actually grappling with policy are wary of Sir Leon Brittan 's suggestion this week that East Germany be integrated into the EC , not as a new member , but as an extension of an existing member , West Germany , which already provides the Krenz regime with special access to the West .
4 FRANK Bruno jibed this week that Lennox Lewis ( Canada via West Ham ) is n't one of ours .
5 Or so I thought , until I read this week that Prince Charles , who was held up to my by that selfsame grandmother as a paragon , has apparently gone the way of the rest of our post-war generation .
6 The secretary-general of the UN , Boutros Boutros-Ghali , announced this week that UN troops might have to be pulled out of Croatia unless relations between Croats and Serbs in UN-patrolled enclaves there improved and the world began to pay its peacekeeping bills .
7 He had not mentioned it in all this week that Hotspur had spent with him at the abbey , had asked no questions but the most current politenesses about his stay and his journey , and had shown no interest at all in the ceremony from which he had come .
8 Three Democratic senators , all supporters of Mr Clinton , told The Economist this week that Ms Guinier could not be confirmed .
9 Senior White House aides and CIA officials have been telling members of the Congressional Intelligence Committees this week that Gen Noriega is drinking heavily , taking drugs , and is so nervous that he moves addresses four and five times a night .
10 Bob Murray , Sunderland 's chairman , has stressed again this week that Malcolm Crosby has no guarantee of permanently securing the job he has held on a temporary basis since Denis Smith 's sacking in December .
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