Example sentences of "this is [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 The prospect of the invited crowd of guests arriving at his house in the next half hour does not fill Merton with joy , but , as you quickly establish , this is pretty much par for the course .
2 This is obviously much less than the comparable figure of half a billion , which is the factor by which the histone H4 gene after natural selection is more accurate than a typical secretary ; but it is still a very impressive figure .
3 One result of this is that much will turn on the court 's initial characterization of the incident , using the ‘ right-minded person ’ test .
4 To charges that this is too much of a good thing , the BBC say they have always given the World Championship around 70 hours and the audience figures remain high .
5 But there is still controversy over whether this is too much of a compromise , and the church continues to deteriorate .
6 AB : I can certainly see his point , but I just wonder whether this is too much of a generalisation .
7 This is too much for me , she thought , I am drowning .
8 Really , at your age , this is too much .
9 His personal situation is , then , appalling ; but the anniversary is as good an occasion as any to restate emphatically that this is about much more than one person 's predicament .
10 This is very much in line with hypotheses d ) and e ) , outlined above , and means that if a proper ban is reconfirmed , there could suddenly be a lot more bans where this one ( nearly ) came from .
11 This is very much in evidence in Marguerite Duras 's L'Amant ( 1984 ) , which began as a commentary on an album of family photographs and which dramatizes the fragility of identity and the textualization of recollection .
12 This is very much under wraps . ’
13 This is very much in demand , with so many credit card thefts going on at the moment . "
14 This is very much in line with the evidence for repression in everyday life — while convincing anecdotal accounts certainly exist , as does some good experimental evidence for repression in the laboratory , the theory remains unconvincing as an explanation for most of what we forget .
15 This is very much in line with a wider emphasis on transmitting leadership qualities at Nottingham .
16 I think what were dealing within a programme like this is very much the tip of the iceberg
17 This is very much in the Vega/Suicide tradition : in 1978 when Suicide supported The Clash on their UK tour , there were incredible scenes of carnage as the band were attacked by meathead Clash fans with bottles and fireworks .
18 This is very much an overview document and describes the way in which the group conducts its business .
19 Well , this is very much a sandwich three days , because we 've got today and Sunday looking quite good , but a rather difficult and tense Saturday sort of tucked in between .
20 We feel that this is very much a matter for the district councils in the preparation of their local plans , with their local knowledge which is something we do not have at the county level to be able to make comment on .
21 The words are there in in the bi in the relevant P P G but I 'm sure you 're you 're familiar with them , er this is very much an issue which falls to be decided at the strategic level .
22 This is very much in the Vega/Suicide tradition : in 1978 when Suicide supported The Clash on their UK tour , there were incredible scenes of carnage as the band were attacked by meathead Clash fans with bottles and fireworks .
23 This is very much in keeping moreover with the nature of comparative clauses , since , as has been seen in the discussion of need and dare , they contain an inherent non-assertiveness .
24 Chairman , could I just mention to the Committee , on Shropshire child care links , erm , the County Council of course , is also the registration body that erm , registers childminders and day care , and erm , while obviously this is very much to be supported and ties in with Social Services ' own requirements to promote child care , it should not be seen , and we should perhaps , Bruce make a , we can have discussions with , we should be careful to endorse , the giving of this money does n't necessarily imply or endorse the standards of the people on their books , who may be people that the County Council in another arm , are investigating and in some cases , taking action to close down .
25 Erm , paragraph four , I er , refers to the fact that this is very much a joint process .
26 Below that level , colleagues , thirdly , and you may be less interested in this , erm , but the , because this is very much at the level of , of officers , at least from the statutory bodies .
27 But I would like to say that this is very much , and I think Councillor knows that previous personnel committee , it 's all in the mind , we want former administration and one of the latest tests was the adoption of the National Disability Symbol and encourage them to talk about it .
28 So this is very much part of the mass line .
29 This is very much my experience of this organisation in the eight months I 've worked here .
30 so this is very much a refresher course
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