Example sentences of "this was [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One slight advantage of all this was that nobody had time to consider the fate of L Detachment .
2 One reason for this was that its officers were not bound by past conventions or the class structure that so dominated MI6 .
3 The key to this was that they all began life with a strong philosophical commitment to development and were given some of the new , additional staff needed in order to give life to this philosophy .
4 The reason for this was that they had a different view of tradition from the locals and this caused them to turn to ‘ progressivist ’ ideas and to new ventures put forward by planners in order to effect an entry upon the local political scene .
5 We now know that the reason for this was that they did not dwell or traffic within the walls ; that Lundenwic like Hamwih lay outside , along the Strand or foreshore of the Thames .
6 This was that their mode of production isolates smallholding peasants from each other and prevents the development of a political organization to represent their class interests .
7 Erm asking for permission to put their names forward and from the , the few letters we had the , this was that we thought was the whitest knights in terms of Geography in terms of sex in terms of I would n't say intelligence , perhaps I should try to impress them !
8 The reason for this was that she did n't like Mr. Gordon .
9 Of course , the effect of all this was that she did n't like my children very much , and she had some justification for this .
10 The reason she gave for this was that she felt that experiencing repeated failure was bad for pupils .
11 She later achieved her Financial Planning Certificate — the incentive for this was that she needed a new tumble drier , so the bonus for completing the qualification was perfectly timed !
12 Maybe the reason for this was that she was vindictively happy not to do anything , and it is the opinion of my sergeant here that she probably hated her husband almost as intensely as the murderer himself did .
13 Berkeley 's reason for thinking this was that he believed mental contents to be mental images , and there can not be a general image .
14 One of the results of this was that he later sought to influence his son with the truths of Scripture .
15 The reason for this was that he followed the methods of the scholastics ( medieval theologians ) whom he admired very much .
16 The reason for this was that he was contaminated with radon decay products from his house .
17 Her reason for this was that he was a very quiet child and seldom communicated with her .
18 This was that he was : " willing to accept 150,000 enemy personnel into 12 Army Group including 45,000 Cossacks .
19 One of the ironies of this was that he himself behaved more like a politician than at any other time in his career .
20 This was that he cared .
21 One of the results of this was that I was often to be found across the road at the Edwards ' place .
22 Her interpretation of this was that I did n't like him because I was jealous of their relationship .
23 The result of all this was that I returned to Europe and settled in Paris with her .
24 The danger with this was that it caused believers to look to their own faith rather than to Christ alone for the assurance of their salvation .
25 The justification for this was that it saved the skyline of the Granite City .
26 The British intent when signing this was that it would finally deliver the free-trading and outward-looking ‘ home ’ market .
27 Ian Craig , the head of science and technology , said : ‘ It is educationally valuable to take boys to France or to the science museum , but the unique thing about this was that it was both at the same time , and that was more than twice as valuable . ’
28 not only was the undergraduate teaching poor , but there was only a minimal amount of postgraduate education in this subject ; part of the reason for this was that there was a shortage of suitable qualified and experienced doctors who knew enough to take on such postgraduate teaching ;
29 It was certainly true that there were very few Labour Party full-time agents in the armed forces , but one major reason for this was that there were so few of them even in peacetime , and , of those who existed , many were above the age of military service .
30 It was suggested that one of the reasons for this was that his main work as an advocate had been on behalf of trade unions , and on one occasion he had walked out of the National Industrial Relations Court in protest at the judge .
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