Example sentences of "this must have be " in BNC.

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1 However , this must have been countered by an urgent request from Butcher as two days later Miller sent his servant with a note , agreeing to meet at Bedford House by four o'clock in order to get as far as St Albans that evening .
2 He called it the Common Red Rose and described it as having ‘ flowers not very double , open wide ’ , indicating that this must have been Rosa gallica officinalis or the Apothecary 's Rose .
3 This must have been irksome for them , but Mrs Webster accepted it as her war work with good grace .
4 Since living Nautilus does not have an ink sac , this must have been a protective device evolved at a later stage in cephalopod evolution .
5 This must have been one of the more profitable periods in the mill 's history for , over the next few years , Wight installed steam power as well as a new water wheel .
6 This must have been near the end of the furnace 's working life , as some time during the following decade , the buildings were converted to a paper mill .
7 Occasionally it is explained that they had already died — and given the still short life-expectancy of the period this must have been so in many cases .
8 This must have been agreed , as on 22 February , Major-General Galloway of MEHQ wrote to Eighth Army Headquarters to inform them that after the next series of operations , L Detachment would be withdrawn to re-form up to strength and be retrained as a parachute unit .
9 This must have been the only time John ever had his work discussed in detail by a choreographer of Balanchine 's gifts and experience , and although Buckle described him as ‘ looking somewhat quelled ’ his nature was such as to profit from it .
10 ‘ To him this must have been a familiar sight … ’
11 For many , this must have been a therapeutic way back into civilian life .
12 I had to drive , of course , and I think this must have been a bit of a trial for Michael , for like most men , he 'd rather drive than be driven — especially by his wife !
13 Quite often operations could be cancelled at the last moment owing to worsening weather conditions , and this must have been a terrible let-down for them , after getting themselves keyed-up for yet another hectic night .
14 This must have been formed from Cr(CO) 6 by light-induced loss of a carbon monoxide molecule .
15 This must have been a most amazing sight , coming as it did as the climax of a much longer event staged beforehand outside Wanstead House itself .
16 This must have been because it-was his now , he owned it .
17 Amazingly this must have been the final straw for it , because its top hinge broke and it swivelled on the bottom one , narrowly missing Miss Louise before it crashed to the floor .
18 At first I thought this must have been intended for someone else and began grubbing about in the wastepaper basket to find the envelope .
19 The first sexual casual pick-up I had was also in South Wales ; this must have been about 1965–6 when I was nineteen or twenty .
20 This must have been a horrible shock to you . ’
21 He sensed it was here ; this must have been the place .
22 In passing it may be observed that journeymen and apprentices were seldom specified , although this must have been the status of many of the servants that were listed .
23 What a far cry this must have been from his younger days in the priesthood .
24 This must have been the result partly of the astonishing scale of the royal demand and partly of the absence of any prior diocesan discussion .
25 So what we know is that this must have been blocked up before this doorway was inserted , okay ?
26 Plaster an outside of a wall with no so er with no drip course so this must have been an ?
27 This must have been an internal wall at one point .
28 This must have been when Parkin said he was out on the roof having a smoke , Dexter concluded .
29 He could even appreciate how tricky a situation this must have been for the DIA , although it did little to ease his sense of injury .
30 This must have been part of a Roman cemetery as again in 1926 near this spot workmen digging on the edge of Lee 's Great Quarry ( Houlder Quarry ) , 20 yards from Clements Farm found a quantity of human bones and pottery .
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