Example sentences of "this may [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This may lead firms to introduce different agreements with the same intermediary each covering different classes of indirect customer .
2 This may lead owners to worry that the dog 's diet is deficient in some respect , but if you are using a balanced prepared food , then there should be no concern about this .
3 If Christians use a therapy which is also used by people who are deliberately following New Age beliefs , this may lead people to be deceived into thinking the New Age Movement is acceptable to Christianity ? ( 1 Corinthians 10:19–25 )
4 All this may bring stability to Albania , but it will not necessarily encourage the ruling Democrats to become more democratic .
5 This may benefit consumers and local employment .
6 This may give rise to some of the conditions described above .
7 However , where a person is induced to make a contract by a false statement this may give rise to a civil action brought by the party to whom the statement was addressed for misrepresentation under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 .
8 This may give rise to a civil claim for breach of contract on the part of the guest who is double-booked , and may possibly lead to the prosecution of the hoteliers for an offence under section 14 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 .
9 The argument for the applicant fastens on the words ‘ I understand and accept that in refusing this application this may give rise to problems should the B.M.F.L. charges come to trial .
10 Where a policyholder 's tree has fallen and damaged third party property , this may give rise to a public liability claim ( see Section 7.4 ) .
11 In some kinds of rock , such as granite , the creation of steep , bare rock faces can lead to significant lateral expansion into the valley side as well as vertical dilation and this may give rise to exfoliation domes ( Fig. 6.21 ) .
12 This may give rise to dispute where terms are incorporated by reference to some other document , as in the examples above .
13 This may give values of r greater or less than n ( Diamond , 1965 , p. 1135 ) .
14 This may give NCM the edge in certain trades where credit insurance has been traditionally well used .
15 This may involve raising money , donating time or possibly recovering from a serious illness to compete in a race for charity .
16 This may involve interference with otherwise lawful conduct .
17 The implication of this is that something that is no longer capable of supporting you — this may involve beliefs and people as much as material structures — will fall by the wayside .
18 This may involve self-employment with a measure of backing from the firm .
19 This may involve phosphorylation of NMDA channels to alter the extent of the Mg 2+ block of these channels .
20 This may involve sales of goods but also other arrangements such as manufacture under licence and technology transfer , ’ he said .
21 This may involve challenge and competition , finding out who is the apparent top dog and who the underdog .
22 This may reflect differences in hospitals rather than patients since centre C has no casualty department and most patients are admitted direct to the ward .
23 This may reflect teachers ' beliefs that mathematics by its nature is learned most effectively in groups of homogeneous ability .
24 As regards abortion , this may reflect inclusion of induced pregnancy terminations in the data and the close relationship of this to non-biological factors compared to spontaneous abortions .
25 This may reflect doctors ' increasing willingness to visit or increasing consumer demand .
26 This may reflect King Henry 's more immediate concern with rebels whose main fortress was only fifteen miles south-west of Poitiers , or it may be that Count William of Angoulême was overshadowed by the more vigorous personality of the new head of the house of Lusignan , Geoffrey de Lusignan .
27 This may reflect developments elsewhere in England , as it seems to be part of a general European pattern of production .
28 Compact activities may be coordinated by people from Education or Industry and this may mean reallocation of responsibilities or modifications of job descriptions for some education authority personnel .
29 But though this may quell doubts about the benefits of the existence of large-scale enterprise , it does not bear on the point that where competition is attenuated a policy of profit maximisation may not be wealth maximising : society might be better served if companies were to lower price and increase output , even though this would be less profitable from the company 's point of view .
30 This may confirm Joan 's fear of greed and make it more frightening for her to know about her own .
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