Example sentences of "this [is] part of " in BNC.

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1 This is part of the Catering & Allied philosophy of ‘ link manning ’ — people need to be able to pick up their colleagues ' responsibilities if necessary , so knowledge gets passed on .
2 This is part of the ideological pedagogy which the institution uses to create and maintain defensive boundaries against the outsider or those who might produce a critical analysis of its systems ; it is one major strength of the organization .
3 But this is part of the witness he bears ; celebrating love and sex and intimacy .
4 For this is part of what ‘ democracy ’ means , or has come to mean .
5 This is part of a polemic ( reluctant , because in other contexts and on other grounds Sisson venerates Pound ) against Ezra Pound 's treatment of Virgil : ‘ … there are such absurdities in Pound as the assertion that Gavin Douglas 's excellent Aeneidos is ‘ better than the original ’ , together with other devaluings of Virgil' .
6 Few biologists doubt that this is part of the truth , but is it the whole truth ?
7 Like all the plans I will suggest , it is not imaginary ; this is part of a long , north-east facing border in my own garden .
8 This is part of a general social trend to increase customer choice and to limit the power of professionals .
9 From his or her point of view this is part of a divinely willed vulnerability through which God elicits a response of commitment from the believer that intellectual uncertainty alone can give .
10 We would need their agreement to build houses outside the city boundary and you know that this is part of what the Steering Committee will propose …
11 This is part of learning to balance successfully with the trunk well controlled , and without allowing associated reactions to distort the shoulder girdle or leg .
12 But this is part of your journey of awareness and of the learning process your spirit chose to undertake during your present lifetime .
13 This is part of the so-called combustion dynamics facility and its main aim is to enhance the efficiency of combustion processes , coupled with the reduction of undesirable effects like pollution .
14 This is part of the International Evangelists Crusade , which is legally authorised to ordain ministers .
15 This is part of the job , but it also means that you have to care for yourself and know about your own feelings as well as those of your clients .
16 This is part of the life that we have created , and which gives us pleasure , support and autonomy .
17 This is part of growing up and has nothing to do with a deep-seated homosexual tendency .
18 For instance , any award for an idea by an employee relating to their own job or department is liable for tax as the Inland Revenue rule that this is part of an employee 's job specification .
19 This is part of the reason why multibit refuses to lie down and die , not just in the case of Ariston , but with a number of other producers , Naim , to cite just one such .
20 This is part of God 's character development curriculum .
21 We can either accept that God is sovereign and recognise that this is part of his plan , or we can have a pity party and completely neutralise everything God wants to do through us .
22 This is part of the farm 's continued commitment towards preserving wildlife and the environment .
23 This is part of what makes his eventual faith in God ( which he reaches for other reasons ) a radical reliance on God alone .
24 This is part of a lengthy letter from Herbert we hope to publish more of it next month .
25 This is part of a tee piece projecting vertically from the spine , located according to the sail shape at the end of the spine or within the profile of the extended ‘ bustle ’ tail .
26 This is part of a whistle-stop ‘ tour ’ of Europe , encompassing a grand total of three dates — all separated by several light years of van travel .
27 This is part of out genetic make-up .
28 This is part of an insistence on greater transparency in company dealings .
29 If , in order to obtain a new lease , a tenant reimburses the landlord 's professional fees ( for example legal costs ) , this is part of the consideration for the landlord 's grant of the lease to the tenant ( Rockeagle Ltd ( 1990 ) 5 BVC 1,370 ) .
30 This is part of her Testimony .
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