Example sentences of "this [vb mod] [vb infin] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This may offer some protection , although it is difficult to disinfect plastic and is no substitute for sterile works .
2 This may offer some evidence for a possible overlap of integral groups ( a ) and ( b ) : for the Ashcroft mosaic is certainly one of the most impressive saltire arrangements ( the constituents of group ( b ) ) .
3 This may offer significant tax savings .
4 The alkalinity is increased , and this may disturb some textile processes .
5 She sounds motivated and this may lead other people to consider applying for jobs with the company .
6 This may lead those who would otherwise oppose the practice to defend it on cultural grounds .
7 This may lead some health workers , families and older people themselves to believe that there is little to be done to improve the circumstances of people with care needs .
8 This may lead some to suppose that any attribution or commendation of neutrality assumes that whereas one is morally responsible ( i.e. , accountable ) for what one does , one is not morally responsible for what one does not do , or some similar distinction .
9 Shallow wells generally contain much water that has reached them from the surface , and this may bring varying amounts of contamination .
10 In time this may bring improved relationships between company and the community and between employer and employees .
11 Again , this may explain that phenomenon which is central to the relevance of discourse analysis to language teaching : how is it that a student with an advanced proficiency in pronunciation , grammar , and lexis somehow fails to use these language skills to communicate successfully ?
12 This may appear heretical in terms of ‘ appropriateness ’ , but plastics are cheap , light and easy to replace .
13 This may appear selfish to comrades south of the Tweed-Solway .
14 This may appear obvious but it is surprising how many essays are spoiled because students include too much information-more particularly , information which is not relevant or does not suit their argument .
15 All this may throw light as well on the diachronic evolution both of the non-past indicative and of the infinitive .
16 This may give limited reassurance that the increasing numbers of preterm babies kept alive in neonatal units will not have greatly increased death rates as adults .
17 This may give some clues on how overheating contributes to cot death .
18 This may involve developing life plans with the individuals for whom they are responsible in isolation from other agencies .
19 There can be no objection in principle to a firm in a competitive environment seeking to differentiate its marketing from its rivals , and this may involve vertical restraints such as exclusive distribution or exclusive purchasing , as well as a package of rebates , loyalty bonuses , and discounts to retailers .
20 This may involve further training or the gaining of occupational experience in new areas .
21 This may involve special categories of trader , such as the market maker , who is under an obligation ( by the exchange rules ) to quote a price in a given contract whenever asked ; the designated broker , who agrees to promote a particular contract without giving a binding commitment to deal ; and the " local " , who trades his personal account on the exchange floor .
22 It is rare for the responsibility for causing conflict to rest solely on one side , and this may involve more than the organist and the minister .
23 This may reflect lower evolutionary constraints on the structure of this region in the two proteins .
24 Fossil cephalopods belonging to one species are often found together in large numbers and this may reflect similar gregarious habits , but there are other possible explanations — for example , concentrations of fossil shells may have been sorted by currents .
25 This seems , this seems a worthwhile thing to do to me , Chairman , this may reflect that , this position that we are in the business cycle that er , you know , with a slightly optimistic outlook , a lot of firms are seeing themselves in a position to expand and , and need this to help them do so .
26 This may reflect some heterogeneity in size as generally observed for DNA fragments ending with telomeres ( 34 ) .
27 The compulsory acquisition procedures used in the UK after a takeover will therefore become available throughout the EC , and this may promote cross-border mergers .
28 This may mean two or three sharing a bedroom .
29 For all this , primary products exported outside the Bloc have ( at least since 1974 ) been worth more in dollar terms than they have within it ; but given the way goods are priced within it , this may mean less than meets the eye .
30 I would propose that we explore with the Managing Director a possibility of a deal at the higher end of this range but this may mean some form of earnout .
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