Example sentences of "this [noun sg] where [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Just as Harry was preparing to aim a kick at this driver where it might hurt , the man offered him more milk , saying that he was a Frenchman doing forced labour and had recognised Harry 's RAF uniform — by now extremely unsuitable for pay parade !
2 I do n't know what it 's called but there 's this bit where you go down on the floor like an anteater .
3 Perhaps the only occasion suggested in this chapter where you would n't want to press the flowers immediately is on Valentine 's Day .
4 Dot said , ‘ In the country , where we just been , there 's this lady where we stayed what has n't eaten a banana so long she 's forgotten the taste , and what 's growing these melons in her garden .
5 We do have this process where we can edge-glue the broken pieces so when a piece is broken and a previous glazier put in a piece of lead we can edge bond instead
6 The view from this room where I write these last pages is small , but it will serve as an epitome of the gentle unravished English landscape .
7 There was a noise in my room — this room where I am writing now .
8 She looked around the vestibule , suddenly aware that this room where she ate a brioche and drank milky coffee as if at a feast of the gods on those mornings when she managed to get up in time was a mere dingy parlour , the curtains grey with city smuts , the tables pocked and charred by cigarettes .
9 ‘ I 'll put this back where it belongs . ’
10 Fifteen years ago this plantation where we live and work today was virgin jungle inhabited only by savage herds of elephants !
11 In this Church where I encounter the Triune God I am called to worship with my whole being .
12 They were driving down the Boulevard St Germain towards the river ; the Seine 's fast-flowing current , parted hard against the piers of the bridges , seemed to Miranda 's eyes to capture the pace and temperament of this city where she felt so happy , where she wanted to stay .
13 It was you , Nadine , come here to leave this letter where you knew I 'd be bound to see it .
14 Well but I mean that 's an example and as I say at this end where you 've no arousal you 're either asleep or dead , there 's no sort of performance performance of any sort and we talk about having those butterflies in the stomach do n't we ?
15 I remember we arrived during a heat wave and had to go into this refrigerator where they kept the furs .
16 ‘ They did this thing where they thought Johnny Suede 's problems were cool and funny , ’ recalls DiCillo .
17 Craig : ‘ Yeah , but they had this element where they could write classic pop chart songs , and then again they could write ten minute mad songs as well .
18 We were born to work the land , this land where we were born and raised our children ’
19 Legend has it St. George rode the white horse to this spot where he slew the dragon .
20 ‘ Robert told me in quiet tones and averted eyes how he climbed the stairs behind the prostitute in this house where she conducted her trade .
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