Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [is] the " in BNC.

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1 This framework is the necessary first step in changing the way countries in Eastern Europe use energy .
2 A major factor influencing this change is the projected trend in CO2 emissions .
3 Kodak says this change is the company 's biggest advance in emulsion technology for more than 50 years .
4 One index of this change is the growth of single person households .
5 One reason for this change is the greater competition among banks and the more aggressive lending policies that ensue .
6 Another aspect of this change is the erm the change in line fifty eight , where the business and saving in the current year carried forward has been increased to seven , nine , one , from five , nine , one , you can see in the report and you will see that
7 It is clearly very difficult to say how much of this discrimination is the result of policy decisions by employers .
8 One factor leading to this complexity is the co-existence of two systems of measurement — the metric and Imperial systems .
9 The first instrument of this trick is the definition of certain mental operations as representing intelligence .
10 Development work of this kind is the epitome of an ‘ enabling role ’ , providing that term is not defined in a very restricted way ; it can actively support a consumer-responsive , mixed economy of welfare .
11 Another enterprising venture of this kind is the Ice House Hunt , dedicated to identifying and mapping all surviving ice houses .
12 Perhaps more significant than evidence of this kind is the simple fact that Jesus , on a number of crucial occasions in the Gospels , acts like a king , and does so quite deliberately .
13 Or , better , a power of this kind is the class of types of such properties or property-sets .
14 an education of this kind is the greatest benefit which could be conferred upon any citizen of a great state , and … the common right to it , the common discipline and enjoyment of it , the common possession of the tastes and association connected with it , would form a new element of national unity , linking together the mental life of all classes by experiences which have hitherto been the privilege of a limited section .
15 The best-known difficulty of this kind is the apparent EModE merger of ME ‘ open ’ /Ε : / ( the meat class ) with ME /a : / ( the mate class ) , followed by apparent reversal of merger and subsequent merger of the MEAT class with ME close /e : / ( the meet class ) .
16 The very simplest example of this kind is the binary chopper , presented in Chapter 1 , which finds a root of a polynomial .
17 The main disadvantage with structural models of this kind is the possibility of biasing the results by imposing too rigid a structure on the data .
18 One of the best examples of this kind is the sharp contrast between Wemmick 's home and work life which he insists on keeping secret and apart .
19 The only factor which determines the position and slope of this function is the short-run production function .
20 Far and away the most interesting aspect of this guitar is the neck block and heel design .
21 The one thing that dominates the appearance of this guitar is the superbly figured maple top .
22 One expression of this unity is the growth of great interstate sanctuaries , many of which had four-yearly festivals and games open to all Greeks .
23 The main problem for this index is the considerable delay before publication .
24 Included in this mailing is the National Trust catalogue for 1990 – 91 with its gift ideas for Christmas , birthdays and other special occasions .
25 One source of this difficulty is the absence of a duality theory , which means that there is no simple test of whether a feasible solution is optimal .
26 This Bourdieu is the man of solid roots in the provincial couches populaires ; the ‘ hands on ’ proletarian of research in an almost Anglo-American empirical mode .
27 Of interest in this story is the fact not only that he was forced by poverty to abandon teaching and become a kasabat kadi but also that he was able to re-enter the medrese stream .
28 The starting point in this field is the work of Wagner ( see Bird 1971 ) , who used empirical evidence to support his argument that government expenditure would inevitably increase at a rate faster than the rise in national production .
29 This trial is the first to prospectively follow elemental diet or prednisolone induced remission in adult patients over a period of a year .
30 ‘ But you took her against her will in your car to the place where this rape happened , and one of the very disturbing and serious features of this case is the way you abused your position as a police officer in uniform on duty . ’
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