Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [subord] we " in BNC.

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1 We went down this park cos we wanted
2 Animal welfare is an irrelevancy in this case as we are talking about public health . ’
3 Erm , there 's not a word that 's suitable to use actually in this case because we find that they would actually impact upon the service in a serious manner and therefore we do n't ,
4 Well , we 're still trying to get them through the Police Authority but we are making provision through this budget if we do n't , yeah
5 I do n't know what we want for tonight but we might go down my sister 's this afternoon so we want something easy for when we come back .
6 Now what I 'm proposing to do is to issue a revised programme in respect of the afternoon session this afternoon , which will take in some of the business that er has has already fell off which would be at the end of the private session this afternoon so we 'll try and get in er rule twenty Regions in their Manage and their Management which will take in three motions , thirty six , thirty seven and forty and then we 'll turn , hopefully , to the Social Security Payments Resolutions , you 'll remember that they fell off , composite two eight three , motions three seven nine , three eight five and three eight six .
7 On the hour the news and weather , and we 'd like to hear from you this afternoon cos we have a phone-in and you can take part and have a chat on the air .
8 In addition to that , we 've increased the profile that we , we have by concentrating on the health and safety issues and it 's worthwhile me recording my appreciation of the efforts of Nigel in this direction because we 're running very closely in , in , in tandem to ensure that the G M B is elite union in the campaign to make the building industry a safer industry for our members to work in .
9 We got into this fight because we wanted to preserve our independence , and I do n't think our views have changed , have they ?
10 We have already met this formulation when we examined Bukharin 's theory of capitalist crisis .
11 Over the season it will be good enough to get us out of this division provided we stick together .
12 No the money I want to spend , I 've partly already written back and said , can I use this money as we do n't need it can I buy chairs , I was specific .
13 I had an idea that if I dropped this diaper when we unloaded our bombs , it might help some mother .
14 Only a small fraction would elude this category if we accept that , contrary to much contemporary opinion , paupers were largely made up not of a delinquent or a wilfully dependent population but of those who could not work either through incapacity or age , or who could not , in the vagaries of the labour market , find work .
15 The status consciousness argument really needs more convincing evidence than this experiment before we can take it as proven .
16 The intensional level structures which we are describing here are not rules of logical combination , constrained by what may or must be possible , given the type meaning of the words which are combined ; there is any amount of evidence to this effect if we simply allow our attention to rest on it .
17 I do not know whether the other two also had prior knowledge , but no one gave any indication to this effect as we all filed silently to the Cabinet Room .
18 Right the idea of this little chat this briefing before we go out and do the er driving assessments next week is just to sort of give you an idea and a and a bit of an inroad into what we 're looking at and what we 'll be doing next week .
19 My dad 's friend though okay cos we were in the back of this car when we were shooting at the enemy okay ?
20 We discuss some of the implications of these potential trade-offs in detail in Chapter 6 , but it is important to bear them in mind within this chapter as we discuss a variety of theories about the relationship between new technology and job satisfaction .
21 We conclude this chapter as we started it .
22 Part of this message may be found later in this chapter when we consider denominational drawbacks .
23 But it is the actual icon that amplifies this condition when we are in close proximity to its form .
24 ‘ All we can do is keep pace on this side until we see what will happen .
25 We have already tried to capture something of this dilemma when we wrote of unskilled workers as follows :
26 Now , normally in this programme when we talk about womens ' magazines , people are inveighing against them because they carry various advertisements that they find offensive or exploitative , but are women 's magazines actually erm performing quite a useful job by filling in the gaps that that schools and parents are are failing to address ?
27 Well , er , Anna , and it is er , er a complaint that is er , often , er put up on this programme when we discuss television , they 're repeated , and I do agree .
28 We return to this issue when we discuss the implications of greater numbers surviving into their eighties and nineties both for the survivors and for the society at large .
29 Many times in this council when we 've been discussing more important points , when we 've been discussing the needs of people who have real needs , we have not been able to have our priority we have not been able to have our priority because we could not afford it .
30 If we have the same amount of cold weather this winter as we had last winter , we will more or less double the coverage of the benefit as a result of the changes that I announced earlier this year .
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