Example sentences of "this [be] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 But this is precisely the situation used in our telephone work , and the dialogues resulting from this are of a different nature .
2 Speaking of hearing in Gertrude Stein 's prose the ‘ hypnotic ’ ‘ rhythms ’ of ‘ the saxophone ’ he concluded that if this were of the future , then the future was ‘ of the barbarians ’ .
3 Remember we are concerned eventually to account for the repeatable contribution constituents make to the significance of signals involving them ; this being of the essence when syntax is recursive , or creative .
4 They fall squarely into the category requiring prevention but long-term effects of one offence , if this is of a minor nature , are far from inevitable .
5 This is of a peculiarly uncertain nature since the supplier , by lawfully terminating the agreement , will automatically bring the hirer 's interest to an end .
6 For Italy or France this is of no particular significance , since the role of their parliaments is not great , but Britain would be depriving itself of its most important political institution .
7 The male can be left with the female , probably mating her two or three times , but this is of no importance .
8 No signal can be received outside that range but this is of no consequence .
9 Now , a true Brit like Brian may delude himself that this is of no great consequence since Scotland is just a part of Britain and no different from a region of England .
10 This is of no real practical importance today .
11 It has been held that the owner of a swarm of bees has no right to follow it onto another man 's land , but this is of no general assistance for , once the bees get onto that land they become again ferae naturae and the property of no one .
12 In Jones v. Padavatton [ 1969 ] 1 W.L.R. 328 at 333 , above , p. 186 , Salmon L.l. said of Shadwell v. Shadwell : ‘ I confess that I should have decided it without hesitation in accordance with the views of Byles l. , but this is of no consequence .
13 Their only movement is that of growth , though this is of the most intricate detail and form , a reflection of each individual species ' subtle pattern matrix .
14 Alternatively a pair can be maintained and bred in an 18″ or 24″ tank of their own , or make excellent additions to a Discus aquarium as long as this is of the planted rather than the bare type .
15 It will be aware of its master , in that it hears and smells him , and of its own exertions , in that it is awake , but it will not be aware that it recognises him , for this is of the order of tomorrow 's delayed return — a linguistic belief of which dumb brutes are incapable .
16 This is of the same order of magnitude as Connell 's ( 1961 ) observation that N. lapillus could manage I.l 5. balanoides a day in summer , whilst consuming fewer at other times ( Table 4 ) .
17 The second wave occurs at puberty when the young person looks for a sexual partner , and if there has been minimum conflict during the phallic phase this is of the opposite sex .
18 This is of the form A-BC ( which would be meaningless at levels of more general affinity , and is excluded by the homogeneity of style at the unitary level ) , where some of the mosaicists responsible for mosaic A worked on B , and some of the mosaicists responsible for B worked on 6 , but where few mosaicists worked on both A and C. At each step in such a " distributed relationship " some craftsmen are " lost " .
19 I do not think , Sir Leonard , that you will need to distribute your I B M questionnaires to calculate the satisfaction level of this session this morning , I think the c rapt attention , the erm , interest and the cl clarity with which you have answered our questions , the ideas I think , which we shall take from your address , some , I might say , to ad to try out on other companies , perhaps , whose record is not as good , I think all of this is of the most enormous value , and as I said at the beginning , I feel very pleased myself , that I live in in a part of the country where we have an I B M presence , and and er , we we value that relationship .
20 Count the number of empty " slot " in your address book and see what proportion this is of the total available .
21 Finally a heavy press crushes out the remainder of the must , but this is of an inferior quality .
22 If payable it will be assessed on the difference between the purchase price of the new house if this is of an appropriate category and the estimated ( lower ) price they would have paid in their existing location for a broadly equivalent house .
23 By the concentrated bombardment the element of surprise was relinquished , but at Messines this was of no moment , for surprise was to be achieved by the detonation of the mines .
24 Most years it was washed up again on the next or a later tide , but this was of no consequence so long as the Scapegoat had gone .
25 This was of a piece with his fundamental conviction that the whole truth about God and about ourselves lies in Jesus Christ and must be found there .
26 This was of a different order from my imaginings about the Chinese communists , arch villains whose evil doings were retailed to us in the classroom with the same ferocious didacticism that accompanies the telling of a lurid fairy tale and enhances its horrifying fascination .
27 This was of the first importance to him .
28 In 15 of 16 subjects studied there was a fall in Vg , and in both control and patient groups this was of the order of 25% ( range , 1.9–66.7% ) .
29 Page references have been included in this file as , a/though pub have covered indexes in their information skills course , this was of the first occasions when they were asked to take much of responsibility for their own project .
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