Example sentences of "this [be] [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most technically outstanding examples of this are Milhaud 's string quartets Nos. 8 and 9 , which can be played separately or together as an octet , with each instrument in a different key .
2 This being Ma 's first day back , I am excused the dark , which I so richly deserve …
3 Longest member of staff was Kath 's ‘ No 1 Personal Assistant ’ , Iris Gibbard , who had been with the Company for 26 years , but sadly lost her fight against cancer in October 1990 , having worked to within three days of her death , this being Iris 's last wish .
4 Nor was there any doubt of this being Doreen 's first priority .
5 Gloucestershire may well have been influenced by this being Walsh 's benefit year , a traditionally powerful distraction , and by the fact that he could be thought out of touch , having missed last season due to the West Indies tour .
6 This is Jim 's usual hideout . ’
7 So erm this is Mill 's counter-motivation .
8 This is Var(X) = 0.361 ( X high - X low ) er2 .
9 This is Sidacai 's death warrant , ’ he said .
10 ( This is Riffaterre 's broad concept of the ungrammatical . )
11 This is liberalism 's concession to democracy : ‘ Equality of the general rules of law and conduct … is the only kind of quality conducive to liberty and the only equality which we can secure without destroying liberty ’ .
12 No , no this is Philip 's
13 This is Goldie 's show , not mine . ’
14 That this is McIlvanney 's own creed is without doubt .
15 But then I do n't suppose that would be enough for you , and after all this is Boy 's story mostly , he is after all in a proper sense my hero , and you have to have this Boy clearly in your mind before we can proceed .
16 Yeah and this is Writers er erm
17 This is Albert 's entry to the solo ; I seem to recall Emmy playing this in E♭ , but I 've written it in the key of D so that you wo n't have to ‘ capo-up ’ at the first fret .
18 Below left : This is Robin 's tank , and he 's keen to understand how everything works .
19 This is February ai n't it so he goes
20 For example , SET WINPMT = THIS IS WINDOWS $p$g will make the command prompt in all DOS sessions
21 THIS IS WINDOWS path> where path is the path name of the current directory .
22 One of them , a thickset , bearded knight who by his manner might well be the seneschal de Guichet , said after a long , astonished stare : ‘ This is Talvace 's kin , surely . ’
23 But an idea by Gloucester City Council could mean that this is Peter 's swansong .
24 Er Yes this is Rita 's suggestion which is attached erm , suggesting one point ten as worded there is added simply to say if the job is n't commissioned a contents enquiry form is filed by the researcher with related documents .
25 This is humanity 's oft-repeated experience , and in the long run it is experience which really teaches , and no amount of scriptural citation of divinely allocated land will ever alter that .
26 " This is Daniel 's mother , Marcus .
27 I mean it is true that this is adults ' business , as it were , and that children are not in a position that they can take the sort of action that is going — certainly in the Gulf situation — to effect a change .
28 The bell usually tolls for one of the big championship teams on cup day … this is cricket 's FA Cup … where the small teams the non leaguers get a chance to take on the big boys … the pros …
29 Astra refuses to conduct further rat studies with lower doses of ranitidine , saying that this is Glaxo 's job .
30 This is Piladu 's place , but if you ask me there 'll be nobody in at this hour on a Saturday .
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