Example sentences of "this [verb] not in " in BNC.

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1 This has not in any way curtailed enthusiasm for the principle that good design is based upon utility among its acolytes in London 's Design Centre or the Boilerhouse project of the Victoria and Albert Museum , London , where beauty through ergonomics may still be an avowed aim .
2 This has not in itself created a culture and ideology of consumerism ; for these have been in place for at least the last century and perhaps longer in the First World and among comprador classes elsewhere .
3 The reason for this lay not in any assessment of the rival claims , but in his unwavering determination to bring Normandy under his rule .
4 This did not in fact happen , but the earlier suggestion of it kept some of the wealthier clients on tap .
5 This did not in practice apply to landless labourers or peasants with very little land , a large and growing element in the rural population ; but if it had been put into effect it would none the less have been the most sweeping social legislation seen anywhere in old regime Europe .
6 This did not in itself imply any belief in racial inequality , superiority or inferiority , though when married to the study of the evolution of man on the basis of the pre-historic fossil record , it did .
7 The roots of this belong not in the New Testament but in Latin legalism .
8 As a result when I awoke there was no positive proof that all this had not in fact happened , and that it did not belong to a mental lapse from which I had recovered .
9 However , this does not in itself overcome the language problems which have arisen during the period of isolation .
10 Griffin is right to the extent that we do entertain fantasies of inhabiting other ‘ skins ’ ( David Garnett 's Lady into Fox ( 1932 ) is a good example of the literary genre , although Kafka 's Metamorphosis ( 1961 ) is pre-eminent in casting the shadows of paradox involved in the attempt ) but the failure to achieve this does not in any way put at risk our understanding of what others say of their own or others ' consciousness .
11 This does not in the least matter when looking at birds or distant ships , but it is not helpful when observing a planet or a star , when it is important to collect as much light as possible .
12 This does not in any way devalue these items , and often produces an extremely attractive visual effect .
13 This does not in the least mean that in all cases a plaintiff can not recover under the rule unless he proves interference to his proprietary interest .
14 This does not in fact happen , but in other kinds of social system people do not even pretend that it happens .
15 This does not in itself involve companies undertaking insurance risks but acknowledges that the skills required for the operation of the life insurance business are similar to those needed to run pension funds .
16 This does not in itself mean that the analysis is invalid , and some of the deficiencies may be of little quantitative significance .
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