Example sentences of "this [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 But , with typical Moonshake logic , this turns into an expedition t o soak up culture in London 's East End by visiting other , less haunted , landmarks .
2 This developed into an IATA European exchange system which was subsequently taken over by IATA HQ in Montreal during the mid 1960s .
3 This led to an invasion of courting couples in his doorway , looking at the wonderments of the bright peep , and the Trongate being described as ‘ among the best-lit streets in Europe ’ .
4 This led to an increase in urban employment opportunities and the expanding workforce gave rise to a greater demand for food .
5 This led to an extension of Great Power domination to much of the rest of the world .
6 Altogether this led to an effect which might be described as a tapering of market opportunities , and it was sharpened as international growth rates decelerated in the early 1970s .
7 This led to an attempt by Chris to measure the chest depth and head size of the others .
8 This led to an improvement in trade and a fall in inflation , so that Germany in the late 1980s became once again a country of trade surpluses and a strong currency , at the cost of some social division .
9 This led to an exchange of goods and trading developed rapidly both within and between communities .
10 This led to an early invention of annealing , whereby the metal might be softened by sudden heating and quenching .
11 The numbers of elderly people were considerably overestimated in London during the late 1970s : this led to an understatement of the SMRs , with consequent loss of health resources ; it also resulted in a relative over-allocation for personal social services .
12 The first of these is the view of Blume , MacKinlay and Terker ( 1989 ) that the spot market , particularly shares in the S&P500 index , suffered from illiquidity in the face of very high volumes , and this led to an excessive fall in their prices ( see Section 13.3 for further discussion of this study ) .
13 This led to an estimated total of 1154 anal cancers ( 422 men and 732 women ) diagnosed in Denmark during 1943–87 .
14 This led to an enormous diversity of plants , none of them doing particularly well and none taken out by trees .
15 This led to an enduring friendship , the closest of Ackerley 's life .
16 He repeated and extended Pasteur 's work on micro-organisms , ‘ our invisible friends and foes ’ , and played an important part in getting the germ theory of disease accepted in Britain ; and this led to an interest in the particles suspended in the atmosphere especially that of Victorian London , but also in more salubrious places .
17 This led to an unfortunate incident at Leamington Station in 1874 .
18 In almost all cases this led to an increase in recall ( the ratio of the number of relevant records retrieved to the total number of relevant records in the catalogue ) without decrease in precision ( the proportion of relevant records in the retrieved set ) .
19 The British consul in Israel maintained that Hurd 's statements to the politicians had been misunderstood , that the UK remained committed to Palestinian self-determination , and that the question of whether or not this led to an independent state was a Palestinian issue .
20 This led to an investigation of the effect of the drugs on IFN γ binding .
21 This led to an occasional resetting of my settings when I may have been distracted .
22 This led to an especially sharp decline during the 1960s , from over half a million to well under 300,000 .
23 Extremely small are the figures for We/Us/Our , where this refers to an aspect of experience shared by the poet and his friend ( Sonnets 1–126 : 10 times ) or mistress ( Sonnets 127–52 : twice ) ; also the plural You or Ye ( once only ) and the plural They ( twice ) .
24 This refers to an increase in the numbers of nematode eggs in the faeces of animals around parturition .
25 To start with , there are more energy levels : for a d 3 system , for instance , the ground free ion term is usually 4 F , but this splits in an octahedral field into three levels — 4 A 2g , 4 T 2g and 4 T 1g , just as the f orbitals split into a 2u , t 2u and t 1u sets in an octahedral field .
26 The egocentric and performative aspects of mental and speech acts by historical individuals who use such expressions to make statements , ask questions , etc. , naturally enough , often have a direct bearing on the meaning of what is said on a given occasion , and this points to an area of phenomenological problems that needs to be carefully explored if the complexity of the problem of meaning is to be fully understood .
27 The members of the Royal Agricultural Society of England ( founded 1838 ) were invited to submit diseased animals to the College , but this met with an almost complete lack of response .
28 Most of the deal was carried out in New York and this contributed to an air of confusion in the music press .
29 At first sight this looks like an uninteresting stipulation about how to use the word ‘ fact ’ — uninteresting because the anti-materialist could as well state his case using some such term as ‘ feature ’ or ‘ aspect ’ , and it is difficult to see how , once having allowed that there is something called ‘ what it is like to see ’ which one only learns by seeing , one could refuse to describe this as a feature or aspect of mental life .
30 Anne read the guidebooks , while I 'd say , ‘ Hey , this looks like an interesting airfield ! ’ to which Anne would reply , £The fact that the place has an interesting approach does not mean that I want to spend my holidays there ! ’
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