Example sentences of "this [noun] was only " in BNC.

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1 This trial was only started shortly before I left post and the results are not yet known .
2 Even the Thalidomide formula mentioned at the beginning of this chapter was only released after rigorous testing , save in one tragic area .
3 This practice was only varied if there was some known defect in the title , and if that was so , one could expect to find a special condition on the contract , indicating that the buyer would take the title as it stood , and would not raise requisitions after contracts were exchanged .
4 The traditional Grand Tour of the young nobleman had not yet even the Grand Hotel in common with the tourism of the capitalist era , partly because this institution was only now developing — initially as often as not in connection with a railway — partly because noblemen hardly deigned to stop at inns .
5 This irony was only accentuated by the refugees ' initial belief that their exile was to be brief , a few days perhaps , at most a month , after which — in the manner of other civilians who had abandoned their homes in the midst of battle — they would return to their houses and fields to resume the life which had been interrupted by war .
6 In the event , this plan was only partially successful , for the rebels failed to achieve their objectives in Madrid ; in the important commercial and industrial cities of Barcelona and Valencia ; and in the mining and manufacturing provinces of Asturias and the Basque Country .
7 Shelley gazed as he sang , wondering if Dr Rafaelo had been right in saying that this act was only showmanship , with no genuine feeling or emotion in it .
8 However , this tablet was only set in the wall in 1456 , and is in conflict with an account written about events on 17 September 1387 .
9 Of all this Katherine was only dimly aware .
10 This requirement was only partially met .
11 For P(A) , although the mean value was 0.05 higher in Study 3 , this difference was only marginally significant ( F(1,100)=3.62 , p=0.06 ) .
12 This stream was only some 2m ( 6′ ) wide at its greatest point and no more than 1m ( 3′ ) deep .
13 This process was only used if the wheel press broke down , or if an odd or non-standard wheel required tyring .
14 And his feeling of intense satisfaction at this conclusion was only because he was finally clear-headed enough to make some sort of decision .
15 In men this factor was only related because of its association with separation .
16 Because samples were contaminated with iron , the concentration of this metal was only estimated ( ca 3.5 µM in normal subjects ) , and this secretion could represent a significant proportion of the daily loss of endogenous iron .
17 However the cost to DPR of providing this facility was only between $60 and $90 and the stop loss level was set so close to the market price that many contracts were very quickly wiped
18 In some areas the water was up to four feet high in places and for people who did not want to get wet the task of crossing this water was only possible by two ways , the first being to ask to hitch a lift in one of the high performance tractors which were out being a sort of taxi service and the second option was to catch a lift in either of the boats which also appeared to offer their services .
19 But this stress was only one of several strands in the ideological construction of the bourgeois family , for sexual choice was hemmed in by simultaneous emphases on property , the survival ( and even accentuation ) of a differentiated standard of morality , and the growth of the ideology of ‘ respectability ’ , with all its class connotations .
20 This Anti-Critique was only published after her death , and Bukharin joined the debate only in 1924 with his own book Imperialism and the Accumulation of Capital .
21 Although this summary was only offered in the context of the C. and A.G. , it is a good general summary of the audit of government and local government in the UK as well as the USA.2 In the USA , this audit is often called the ‘ expanded scope audit ’ , to emphasize the nature of the difference between it and the statutory commercial audit ; in Canada , the term is ‘ comprehensive auditing ’ .
22 This was as true in England in early Norman times as in France ; and the importance of the feudal courts in this respect was only seriously challenged after the mid twelfth century , by the growing use of the right of appeal to a higher court and by the infiltration of the judges of the higher courts into the spheres of the feudal courts .
23 To the author , French superiority in this respect was only one aspect of the more general superiority of his country over the other .
24 For example , in Caquezo and Rio Negro in Colombia corn and potato yields have improved 200 and 90 per cent respectively on hillside farms which were able to adopt the improved technology ( Sepuldeva 1980 ) , although this example was only on a limited scale .
25 Passionately , he told it he still believed that , like a human soul , its essential persona would continue to exist after its hardware was destroyed , because this reality was only one of many possible eigen states .
26 This letter was only the beginning of a case with a long history , and by piecing together a number of disjointed fragments of information we can obtain an unusually clear picture of the sequence of events and of Anselm 's reactions to them .
27 This model was only made in 1913 and 1914 .
28 Access to this account was only available to Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski , former Secretary of State at the Foreign Trade Ministry [ see also pp. 37107 ; 37172 ] .
29 This structure was only the remains of a bridge , and necessitated a crossing hanging on to one piece of rusty wire while balancing on another single line swinging perilously below .
30 This invitation was only accepted by one of their Lordships , Lord Upjohn , who , after a review of the authorities , said , at p. 507 :
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