Example sentences of "this [noun] it seem " in BNC.

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1 If this process is done with a proper crimping tool there is very little chance of serious damage , although in this case it seemed by the damage done to the line that a normal pair of pliers had been used .
2 In this case it seemed to increase it , and the kitchen rang with Mrs Blunt 's vituperations before she finally took her leave .
3 She had no idea what he was up to , but instinct told her that he was trying to help her , and in this case it seemed wiser to follow her instincts .
4 In many instances , pellet formation is stimulated by the availability of the next meal ( Chitty , 1938 ) , with the previous meal being regurgitated even if not fully digested in order to leave room for the next and in this case it seems likely that the initial level of pH would be higher than normal .
5 In this case it seems not to be treated as a delaying tactic . ]
6 And in this case it seems likely that even if it were not for the depressed state of aggregate demand in the British market , the commodities produced by Talbot at Linwood would not have generated ‘ sufficient ’ profit for Peugeot .
7 ‘ To be fair , ’ the prince pointed out generously , ‘ in this case it seems to have been Owen who took the offensive . ’
8 In this case it seems that the structure of the drama has made it too easy for the children — perhaps because of the non-confrontational role adopted by the teacher as messenger early on , when he was excited and enthusiastic about the railway and its effect on another town .
9 In this instance it seems that the client needed not so much advice on a course of action as legitimation from its lawyer .
10 All of a sudden , the morning gathering at Mrs Tiverton 's had lost a little of its terror , for just at this instant it seemed less threatening than Mr Aycliffe 's serious face , demanding of her this fatal choice .
11 In this study it seems that the higher fibre diet expanded the proliferative compartment in both the proximal and distal colon and would thus appear to increase the risk of colonic mucosal cell instability .
12 While there may be much to be said for the views expressed in this passage it seems to me with all respect to Wilson J. that she was stating what she thought the law ought to be rather than what it is .
13 But from the two paper on pages 539 and 541 of this issue it seems that , in at least one important respect , the mammalian visual cortex and the insect optic lobe operate upon visual patterns in a similar way .
14 In the schematic dating we apply to this period it seems to be around the last century of the second millennium that an upward turn becomes traceable , notably in pottery and specifically the pottery of Athens .
15 However , once one acknowledges Jackson 's involvement with this period it seems important to move on .
16 His subsequent letters to her reveal a side of his personality that Victorian biographers preferred to suppress At this point it seems that Wolfgang was interested in matters more scatological than sexual ; his humour is of the smutty adolescent variety that was evidently taken for granted in Salzburg middle class society .
17 On this point it seems that the Literary Digest Poll and others committed two errors .
18 It 's a it 's a very bold thing of Toby Baldwin to run him in this race it seems to me , you know I mean he definitely appeared to not like .
19 On this evidence it seems possible that a large part of the conflict that arose in the administration of the NIRC was the result of a belief of its president that , in industrial conflicts , one side can be discovered , after proper examination by judges , to be ‘ right ’ and the other side ‘ wrong ’ .
20 erm Yes , I mean it seems very difficult to keep in touch with exactly what is happening because of the communication blackout , but erm from what we 're hearing erm obviously there is still a lot more mileage in this conflict it seems to me .
21 The book described it as ‘ remote ’ , but at this distance it seemed the centre of the world ; the eye of a ferocious storm whose outer edges could never pull free ; the heart of a titan , beating like thunder ; an energy so awesome that it was dragging the very edges of the forest ever closer .
22 I only live a few doors down the road from Derek and normally it would have taken me just a minute or two , but on this occasion it seemed to take ages .
23 His behaviour has n't been odd and speaking to his cell mate this morning it seems that he did n't speak to very many people either .
24 For a town of this rank it seems almost incredible until we recall that Walsingham enjoyed a lucrative tourist trade as far and away the most popular resort of pilgrimage , the shrine alone deriving an income of £250 a year from the pious offerings of the faithful , compared with the meagre £36 to which that of St Thomas at Canterbury had by then shrunk .
25 You seem to be going through everything this season it seems to be a nightmare for you at times .
26 This week it seems fitting to flesh out these results .
27 In this respect it seems unlikely that successive governments were given the opportunity to return to normalcy in the manner which they wished .
28 You know this government , I do n't know what 's the matter with this government it seems
29 But on this journey it seemed as if the whole land of Masuria was faithful to the Hooked cross .
30 Hence we see frogs , newts , slow-worms , toads and so on , where men have seen none , and for this reason it seems women have a greater bonding with slimy things that hang about pools .
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