Example sentences of "are taken [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Much of this material — this archaic London , the Hawksmoor churches , their magical meaning , and the tramps who haunt them — comes from the striking poem Lud Heat by Iain Sinclair , where the churches are taken to be geometrically interrelated in the form of a pentacle , the sorcerer 's five-pointed star .
2 At its most ludicrous , this makes the ‘ Envoi ’ to Hugh Selwyn Mauberley suspect , or worse than suspect , simply because it alludes to Edmund Waller , whereas the okay authors from Waller 's period , among pedestrian readers of Eliot 's essays , are taken to be Donne and Marvell .
3 The habit of mind which opposes family and state , and which gives the family a special position in the organization of a polity , is not solely Libyan : strongly étatique societies have often tried to abolish or limit the institution of the family ; and the attempts by government to regulate family life by intervening to increase or to decrease births , by altering rules of inheritance , by inhibiting or encouraging kinship corporations , are so familiar that they are taken to be natural functions of the state .
4 Her Majesty 's Inspectors in their report on the teaching of English published in 1987 were particularly concerned by the low standard of teaching for A level English : ‘ Teachers spend too much time scrutinizing past papers and then drilling students in what are taken to be the ‘ correct ’ answers .
5 On the seismic data the Westphalian A and B units have the highest proportion of discontinuous ‘ strong-amplitude ’ events which are taken to be coal developments .
6 The two electromagnetic field components in the initial regions I , II and III are taken to be .
7 As a general guideline the following levels of attainment in BTEC National Diploma and Republic of Ireland Leaving Certificate at Higher level are taken to be equivalent to the ranges of ‘ A ’ level grades shown :
8 The four outcomes that can result are taken to be as labelled in the Box ( over page ) .
9 When the time comes for farrowing , the sow is moved into another narrow crate where she will suckle her piglets for three weeks before they are taken to be fattened for bacon and pork .
10 In general , if w k is the weight ascribed to the kth objective and the constraints are taken to be inequalities , we are faced with solving the problem
11 Swords , spears and shields are taken to be weapons of warfare , defensive and offensive , and there is nothing to suggest that they were used in any way other than conventional modes ( Alcock 1978 ; Davidson 1962 ; Swanton 1973 ) .
12 Vertical loyalties within groups are taken to be the common base for the preservation of conformity as each individual knows their place and takes on a role consistent with that place .
13 A crucial Keynesian assumption is that if holders of speculative money balances decide to hold their wealth in some other form , they are likely to purchase financial assets since these are taken to be closer substitutes for money than other types of assets .
14 It is a commentary upon the action on that occasion , dealing with the problem of how it should be interpreted , speculating on the motives , intentions and characters of those involved , and generally offering some kind of criticism and justification of whatever are taken to be the goings-on .
15 Since this last point can also be made about some of the ‘ billiard-ball ’ , ‘ cobweb ’ , and ‘ layer-cake ’ approaches now current , for instance where the demands of ‘ capitalist accumulation ’ are taken to be impersonal and determining , it is fair to describe the mainstream story as one from outside .
16 ( 1.3 ) The possible argument consists in the premiss ( 1 ) that decisions and the like are taken to be effects but also to be no more than events which follow on conditions which are required for them , the further premiss ( 2 ) that it is to be presumed that we have a single conception of effects rather than several , and the conclusion ( 3 ) that all effects , including what have been called standard effects , are merely events preceded by conditions required for them .
17 Indeed , they are often considered to be so routine that they are taken to be ‘ normal ’ .
18 Thus ‘ abstract ’ is opposed to ‘ concrete ’ , ‘ explicit ’ to ‘ implicit ’ , ‘ elaborated code ’ to ‘ restricted code ’ , ‘ extensional structure ’ to ‘ in tensional structure ’ , and these types are taken to be related to differing kinds of social experience mediated or formed by a literate organization of reality , on the one hand , and an oral organization of reality , on the other .
19 Police results and conclusions , to which reference is made throughout this article , are taken to be an amalgam of evidence found , such as fingerprints , evidence created through police intervention , such as confessions , and inferences based on these and other matters .
20 Darkness and hairiness , especially noticeable in butterflies of the genera Boloria and Colias , are taken to be adaptations for absorbing and retaining heat during basking .
21 ( Investments here , as throughout this book , are taken to be significant investments and not just minor replacements of facilities . )
22 Frequently , classes I , II and III(N) are taken to be middle class , and III(M) , IV and V to be working class .
23 Preferential relationships are indicated by statements of the form : A is not authorized , see B instead where A and B are taken to be two index terms , with A a non-descriptor and B a descriptor .
24 Improvements in performance with increasing arousal at low levels are taken to be a function of the increasing speed on information transfer .
25 Clary , still remained the tramp , he loved to be , six days of the week , one along with many who are taken to be inhuman .
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