Example sentences of "are also [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are also no clear data about CD4 counts in African blacks .
2 There are also no fewer than five halts .
3 Garden escapes are also a distinctive feature providing drifts of iris ( Iris spp ) and Lupin ( Lupinus spp ) alongside railway tracks , rhododendrons ( Rhododendron spp ) in woodland and numerous other species such as bladder senna ( Colutea arborescens ) .
4 Relations with the LEAs are also a fruitful source of tensions and confusions at the moment .
5 Limitations in subject access in online databases are also a serious concern , not by any means eliminated by the increasingly ubiquitous full-text searching capabilities offered by database hosts .
6 There are also a wide variety of more drastic therapies ranging from laser beam therapy to selective lipectomy which is the insertion of a hypotonic solution into the problem areas and suction of lipolysed fat .
7 There are also a wide range of training schemes , run both by employers , often involving day-release schemes , and by the Manpower Services Commission .
8 Similarly , patriarchal relations between men and women or racism are also a frequent feature of these supposedly alternative forms of gang life .
9 Small containers are best for small flowers , but are also a good way to display blooms with short or broken stems .
10 They are also a good investment because their value is still appreciating . ’
11 They are also a good hedge against all the political and economic uncertainties raging in Britain this Guy Fawkes week .
12 Clematis are also a good choice — try growing them with a rose to extend the period of interest , but make sure neither is too vigorous a grower .
13 There are also a good many ‘ users ’ of the service who are treated involuntarily , where a family member , friend or professional has determined that he or she shall receive treatment and care whether it is wanted or not , because it is judged to be in the best interests of the individual 's health or safety .
14 Mirror tiles are also a good substitute for panels and are very much cheaper if you do n't mind the obvious break in reflection caused by the lines .
15 They are much more understandable to non-computer people than the documents used in conventional data processing , although they are also a good communications aid between computer people .
16 They are also a useful means of providing missile support for non-missile troops .
17 Cards are also a useful device for revision .
18 ‘ Not only are you ignorant , ’ Claire said icily , ‘ but you are also a filthy-minded little toad . ’
19 Otters are also a rare sight near such areas , probably due to lack of fish .
20 There are also a vast number of chemicals in food which have been recently introduced , the effects of which are unknown .
21 Clapper or rough stone bridges are also a familiar part of the Dartmoor scenery .
22 In addition to the branches under the control of these three deputy secretaries , there are also a legal branch , a finance branch , an organisation branch ( dealing with staffing and accommodation within the DES ) and a library .
23 The cruise and Pershing 11 weapons are also a visible symbol of the United States ' commitment to the defence of Europe .
24 Although we tend to associate cranberries with the US , they are also a Scandinavian tradition .
25 But commercial free-range flocks are also a long way short of welfare heaven .
26 Accident injuries are also a major cause of morbidity in childhood , and the reason for a substantial proportion of hospital admissions among children in the 1–14 age groups ( Constantinides , 1987 ) .
27 Johnstone 's recollections are a sad but reassuringly honest appraisal of a career on the skids and although drink and football are part of the untamed humour of Scottish society , they are also a major part of the untold pain .
28 Introduced plants are also a major problem , but in this article I shall deal only with the animals .
29 In addition to the morning papers , there are also a substantial number of evening newspapers .
30 I should add that there are also a great many flowers that seem to have rather negative meanings , such as the lovely little lawn daisy , which apparently means ‘ delay ’ , or ‘ return after a few days when I may give you an answer ’ — not necessarily the most suitable text to put on a bookmark .
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